At Last

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This year Christmas holiday is rather long compared to last year or any school holiday Elizabeth took before. In the late December, the final official school day is done. Elizabeth can hear everyone talking about how they plan for the holiday already at lunch. "Are sure you are not coming with us, Lizzy ?" Ron pops up behind Maddy, nodding to agree his cousin. The Weasley and The Clark are going to visit Romania, as well as his elder brother Charlie. "I heard there are breathtaking views there, such a shame you are not coming." Ron comments in sorrow. Hermione says, "Then what is your plan during the holiday ?" She holds the string that ties a pile of books, they all are thick in sizes. "Don't tell me you are reading all three weeks, Hermione ?" Ron stares to that pile, gazing back to his blank bags, only a few essentials are in there. Just like Ron. Elizabeth pushes up her glasses, "I guess a studying and relaxing holiday for me, there is someone I do not want to encounter at home." She peeks to the directions where Diana is. She and her suitcase is already by her side, walking out of the Great hall. 

"We understand, remember to mail us even in holiday, promise me Lizzy," Maddy hugs her tightly which almost suffocates Elizabeth. Hermione delivers, "Yes, being a coach potato, read a  classic is NOT wasting your holiday, " She glares to Ron, especially when saying that. "Spend the time and do whatever you want." Ron suggests after being a shooting target by Hermione's intense gaze, "Maybe explore in the castle?" 

Elizabeth greeting them farewell in the Hogsmeade station. Hermione and Ron bids their temporary goodbye to Harry, who is staying in the castle as well. Elizabeth returns another hug to Maddy, "Yes I promise you." Maddy cheers, "I will be looking forward to your letters. And See yea !" In the midst of the classmates in the station, Elizabeth sees Joshua, she is not certain if that was him or not. Only a figure aboard on the train in haste. She has not seen him after Hogsmeade trip. She is terrified of Joshua, how he thinks of her. Harry voice brings her back from pondering. "Guess only us now ?" Elizabeth's bitter face reminds himself, he wonders if Elizabeth's relationship with her family is not ideal too. So Harry asks politely, "Would you join me and Hagrid later ?" 

Elizabeth, Hagrid and Harry spends a splendid teatime in the afternoon. She rejoices about Harry may lost his parents so early, he has Hagrid and her friends to be with. "what are you thinking about, little one?" Hagrid questions. "I am just...." She stares to Harry and continues, "glad that Harry has you, Hagrid in his life." Harry almost spits his tea out when he hears your praise to their bondage. He is too shy to admit and looking to anyone in the room right now. He simply looks down to the floor. Hagrid gives the biggest hearty laugh. With delighted chuckling and the smell of butter cookies, Harry and Elizabeth head back to their dorms. They departed each other at the main gate, as Harry is going to find professor Lupin. Elizabeth decides to go to the main building. She stares to the moving staircase, "They just move in a relatively high speed. She is being cautious whenever going through them. 

Third floor, the library is on the third floor. The one and only in Hogwarts, thousands of shelves are there for students to enter and seek whatever they need. To answer their question in books is the best way of educating. Elizabeth adores being in here, the scent of ancient parchment paper. Sometimes, she wonders how can they take the book out from the shelves high above. Not far from her, a girl uses her wand and flicks. The book is out and she captures that effortlessly. Right, magic. No. 143, the material Hermione recommends to her for the Ancient rune. She sits down below the shelves, to read in the little but precious time. The setting of the library provides numbers of area for students to read. An afternoon passes, she finishes half of that. Feeling the stiffness of body, she rises up to the sections of her bias. Folktales. This section has always been her scared place. From The sandman to the little mermaid, they are all there. She retrieves out the twelve dancing princess. The cover of the book is stunning, the weight of the word, and the texture of the cover. She gazes at the countryside through the window, exhales long. 

Hem. The sound comes form behind Elizabeth when she is in a trance, not realising that someone is behind her. Nevertheless, he does not barged into her personal space even she is not reacting quickly. He stays in the castle for holiday too ? Dominic steps to where Elizabeth was, and now she is beside him on the right. She sneak peeks at him a few times. His voice is repeating to him, only a syllable. Husky and thick. She never know a voice can be so enchanting, captivating enough to anyone's heart. He does not seem to be a quidditch player, from his pale slim fingers and the frosty gaze. He lastly cannot endure Elizabeth obvious and steady gaze on him. Originally, he chooses to turn around. Yet, he glimpses a black object that she has been holding. She carries three to four books as if she is not coming out of her room until she read all of them. He pauses, eyes widen when he sees the very top one of the books. The Sandman. He does not expect anyone would borrow this book, it is not well-known. The category, folktales is often associated with children literature, as if they are only for Children. These books are not particularly noted by this Wizarding world. 

Elizabeth barely catches his reaction since Dominic hides his astonishment rapidly. They stand there for a moment, which already raises other's attention. Merlin's Beard. Better be going, do not want others gather around. She forgets how he is the best player, and all sort of things. His fame. Heading back to the dorm she goes. Days pass, the first week of the holiday slips by. Everyday, either she wakes up, reads and sleeps. There is one more on that schedule, chatting with Quinn. She writes the last sentence of her letter to Maddy, tying that with the rosy ribbon and hand to Quinn. As the holiday, her sleeping patterns is reversed upside down. She is used to be a morning bird, but now she stays awake at night. It all starts of the voices, people's comment or their staring frightens her, drowns her. They keep her nerves tightens. Often times, she is exhausted to sleep but not her brain. They repeat themselves in her brain like a melody stuck in her brain. 

Midnight, she wanders. Lucky for her, the curfew in Hogwarts is not strict during holiday. She understands the danger in the castle at night, the Ravenclaw common room is mostly where she spends the time. The clock strikes to two, she grabs her ink and quill, notebooks with her two hands are replete. She comes down from the stairs which there was someone sitting there. It is suspicious to two people studying or doing whatever they are during the bewitching hour. A boy and a girl. Yet, none of the romantic love interest occurs. Dominic and Elizabeth are quiet, minding own business. At the first night, she cannot not be focus. Every five minute, she lifted her head to check what is he doing, if he judging her reading taste or her dimwitted on school subjects. No, not for once, he raises his head. Dominic's surroundings or his being eases her. He may seem rude and does not care about anyone. This is exactly what she wants, do not or interrupts or pity her. 

Elizabeth casually takes her seat of one the round bistro tables. As she turns the pages of the books, she jots the fascinating quotes she found in the novels. "About midnight there was a frightful noise, like the firing of a gun (Hoffmann 7). She murmurs the sentence while writing it down. Today reading session is a rewarding one. Her shoulders and necks are tight of remaining the same position. Thus, Elizabeth straightens her arms and drops to side to side. She glances what Dominic is doing and meets his gaze directly. Eyes to eyes. 

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