Dwell in Ice

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Not until the light beams from the sun behind Dominic, Elizabeth is not entirely sure is him, or in fact anyone standing there. She never shows anyone else to Quinn, except that time Hagrid knows her existence. She visits his house with her, even Hagrid finds her fascinating. Owls varies individually same with Humans, some can be so malicious or stupid to understand order. Yet, Quinn's ability to receive and execute orders is swift and precise. For Elizabeth, she does not need much effort in training. One thing about Quinn is she is skeptical for human beings. Is the time for her to allow Elizabeth to be her master.

The scenery of Quinn is being hold by someone else is imbelievable. Perhaps is not that imbelievable because the one is Dominic. At his first presence, his valiant skills with old magic, there are surprises of him. He is not that statue that in absence of feelings, or his skin is scorching, or the rushing zeal and passion beneath deep azure colour. He is in black peat coat with scarfs, it is so him. "He is regal." Elizabeth saunters to them, reaches out her claws, Quinn flaps her wings to arrive on hers. "She" Dominic brushes his nose, "I see, The city is alluring already before the sunshine comes." When he says the word 'alluring', the pronunciation is like whispering. "I...." She wonders what is it to be like to listen that timidly, sweet talk lips affixes to her ear bone. His gaze draws her back from that daydream. He does not ask anything further about Quinn. Small moments like this always reveal who your instinct is. And he behaves as a gentleman that does not cross the line, to invade other's personal space. She shrugs, he is not nobody nonetheless.

"Quinn is my familiars, she is much more than pet." Elizabeth introduces her to Dominic, "Is she a great horned owl ?" She nods to him, and Quinn shoved her wings to show the feathers to him, greeting him as welcome. Dominic mouths, "Hello, Quinn, I am Dominic." Quinn switches her hazel alerting eyes to him and Elizabeth back and forth. Waves her arms to his direction, Quinn is permitted to fly over him again, "Best believe that great horneds aren't that friendly," Elizabeth chuckles and joins them to the edge of terrance. "Dominic, which animals are your familiars?" He touches Quinn's neck, "She is sleeping in the room, a ragdoll that is heterochromia, purple at left brown at right." "May I meet her if there is any chance?" He answers, "Sure, I will remember." Sun has risen at the slipping of time.

They gather back to the room, Quinn sits comfortable at Dominic crawls. "Where are we visiting today?" "I guess is national museum at Warsaw? Since we will go to Prague the following week." She replies, "Is amazing you remember the schedule and" she glances down to his outfit, "you looks charming today." Her voices trailed off, mouth twitches as if showing her nervous when praising his outlook. To ease her awkwardness for the compliment, they are at her room' door. They pause at front, "Thanks, see you in the lobby." She whirls, stepping out to her room, only stop afterwards, facing back to Dominic. "Quinn ?" It is rare when Quinn does not react to Elizabeth, Dominic is in an middle position which doesn't know how to handle. "Quinn." She repeats in oppressive, only then she is reluctantly leaves his side. Shooting her glare to Quinn, Quinn cranes her head to aside, pretending not to see that. Elizabeth switches back to Dominic, says in  quaint forlorn, "See you."

It is the first time for Dominic sense Elizabeth's presence in brutal. She has always putting smile or he can hear joyful giggling. Not for once is the weight of her aura. Holding the knob behind, a flow of feelings cursing through him. Fear ? No it is not but more like awareness of her growth. He walks to his bed, there is a tiny basket on the cabinet. A white fur ball closes its eyelids soundlessly in her serene dreams.

Although the tour is for students from two classes, most of the time they travel separately. It has comforted for Elizabeth no need to see Diana's annoying face everyday. Not until they went to the Wieliczka Salt Mine, she finds someone unexpected. "Joshua, haven't seen you since weeks." Joshua is not as usual with his gang, or friends which that brings her to remember who the guy is. His loose dressing styles is the same guy she saw in the third years. Joshua, that day even at the moment, is in his polished shirts and trousers, white and grey. The glamour does not frighten anyone off, his kindness always outshines. They step on the wooden stairs to underground of the depth of salt mine. The ore walls streaks with water droplets, unceasingly moist. It is seldom for two groups to visits the spot simultaneously. Due to the passage to downwards is confined, everyone is struggling to wring out. She hears from a distance away, "Salt Mine is insufferable, I really want to skip the visiting." Bella adds, "Not to mention physical activity." Maddy cannot help but calls them from the back, "Physical activity is good for health, more to the sluggish princess."

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