Entitled Descendant

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"She hid the diadem in the forest and then being manipulated by Voldemort. After years, it has been hidden in here." Elizabeth glances to the piles after piles of unwanted things. Sure there is another storage room. She thinks, and then turns her head back. "Dominic, let's spread up. I will check the right part." Any kinds of ancient artefacts are here, smearing in dust that had thicken for years and centuries. Gazing around and around, she still cannot locate it. Ravenclaw is Wind. Hermione's words floats from her tingled mind, which reminds her using the power, their power. Casting a small wind whirl on her palm detects any signs of unusualness near her. She walks around in shaking her head, nothing reacts to it. Enormous sound is sent from distance, she gawks and hides from the pile. "Dominic Locus, why you are here ?" Nasty voice rings a bell to her third year in lessons. Malfoy. What is he doing here ? His hands betrays him, showing how terrified he is internal. Elizabeth searches Dominic, who does not require her assistance at all. Sprinting faster away from them is what she need to do now.

Grabbing the right moment at the right time before Voldemort takes the advantages. Her small whirl does not move much , not until a stack of wooden blocks near her. The whirl propels in extraordinarily swift. "Merlin's beard. I found it." Holding a plain brown box in her hands, she swings the box in slightest motion. Undoubtedly, the diadem is inside that she grips the gold clip in the between of the box. She fails to open it, and in her second try, chaos interrupts. Sounds of people yelling and panting echoes in front of her. Fire burning and spreading to her, expeditious. To her reactions, her instinct already commanded her legs to dart from danger. Red colour scorches and burns the room of requirement.

Most of the times, when Elizabeth discovers her own talent, she immerses herself with wind more often. Lucky for her, this is her habit which practises everyday naturally. Surprisingly, the wind flow slithers at upper, near the ceiling. Outreaches her arms higher, and she sees some flying broomsticks there. When they flys around the stacks she is beside, she can tell who is on the broomstick. Harry and others. Just she is thrilled that she can be saved, another problem proses. The smoke. It is too thick, that they cannot notice her. Minutes after minutes, it grows heavier and so as the flame. With holding the box in her, it turns to be more slippery because of her sweat.

Dominic stares over and over, however Elizabeth is invisible in his sight. The hazy scenery makes him panicked, where is she. He mumbling relentlessly. Harry howls to him, carrying Malfoy at his back from broomstick. "You see her, Elizabeth ?" "No, I..." He does not complete his sentence as seeing something is odd down there. In the midst of flames and shadows, the wind is commanded to form a circle. A figure is in blurry from Dominic's angle, that dark blue hair is drifting in the storm. He clenches his broomstick and flies straight to it. Harry yells, "No, Dominic !"  Momentarily, Harry sees the broomstick that Dominic has pushed out from the storm. He inhales acutely, wanting to rush himself as well. Yet, another situation is placed in front of the trio. Malfoy suggests in his crying voice, "Is that the heart of tornado ?" Hermione and Ron catches that, and Hermione points, "Yes, which is devouring itself, the outer circle."

Two arisen from the shuddering storms, Elizabeth holding her shield for Dominic and her. She mutters to him when tracing back the glassy shied. "Finally, my turn to rescue you."

On the wild field, nothing can be seen which contrasts from its' vibrancy at past. Vacancy and hollowness keeps it's the consummate battlefield, although the main event takes place at the courtyard. Dominic explains to Elizabeth who sits behind him at the broomstick. "The Thant which you manage to banish them back to here, they are at the quidditch field." Wait not she reacts, a beam of yellow strikes to them. She gasps, Dominic apparently did not foreseen that as well. However, body reacts before his own. Same as Elizabeth, tribal habits cannot lie and certainly. They glide over it in urgent and right about at time. Elizabeth jerks her chin over the field below, "Look Out !" Another blow of attack flushes towards them again. Elizabeth notices Dominic's shoulder trembles lightly, casting the shield for them. The problem is the shield is not assailable because they are in moving motions. Pang, another one hit them right before she watches.

They fell tragically on the ground in strong gravity force. A gang stand there in hood, she knew it. The Thant. "You guys just never would leave us alone." Joshua with a ripped shirt, "When you hand us the diadem, we may." She holds it densely under her robe. She demands, "What you want to do with it ?" A voice answers, a whisper close to their ears. Whispers from nightmare, Voldemort. She has it, grab it now !

As if their reaction is in sync, Elizabeth swears that she sees all eyes on her, glimmering in yarning in hunger. She is the most wanted person now in a circumstance. Lunging over, leaping towards and even literally flying to her from every single direction. Dominic grabs his broomstick which is sadly split in two now. Holding it to defend for her, the weapon of him which is the wand is effective but cannot outrun the number of enemies. For Elizabeth, she runs and darts. Reaching to her wand is impossible, let alone using her magic. People are over the place, Joshua cannot really sees her location. There has been thick fog around the field that she adopts it as the advantage. Joshua screams in order, "Everyone do not move, Elizabeth, you better not stay hidden before me killing your precious boyfriend." Dominic winces in agony. The pillar behind, she steps out from the fog. "Do not hurt him. Bastard." His eerie wand is pointing sharp at Dominic's neck, and his hands presses Dominic's injured shoulder from earlier.

"Come closer, and hand me that box." "It is pity for you to threaten people in this despicable way." Joshua does not care about her resentment, waiting and staring. There is dead eyes in him to order her silently, bring that crown to him or else Dominic is gonna be killed. In her degree of anguish, she steps out and being shaken by the earthquake miles away. She quakes, and the box sinks deep on the ground. The Thant all plunge as well from the unknown force. Diadem drops from the box, it lays above the grassland. Flung her hair back, and rapidly she chases that box yet Joshua is faster. He hold it in his hand. Dominic is no longer his concern anymore. Seemingly, Joshua directs the diadem in threat, and The Thant shouts in unity, "Crush It ! Crush it !" Elizabeth yells, "No." Watching the diadem is under Joshua's wand, and hear the spell. Demolish.

Pieces of indigo blue sapphire shatters from the diadem which causes wholesome blue light beams. Everybody covers their eyes to protect from the great impact. A trifling piece falls near to Elizabeth, that she touches with it. The contact she made invites her to the cosmo, grey stones and rocks circles her. She amazes, "Here is The Venti foundation." Someone echoes to her, "Indeed it is, Elizabeth Venti." A graceful woman is close to the wall where Calissa shows Elizabeth the crown mark. Elizabeth eyes filled with questions, "Excuse me, but why am I here ?" When the lady proceeds towards her, her crown indicates her nobel identity. Elizabeth gasps, "You are Rowena Ravenclaw, " Her eyes blink and blink, tries to find any hint of what is happening. "Simply, you find the diadem after years. And the curse is broken which it is transcended." Elizabeth asks, "I thought The Thant destroys it." Rowena gestures the hollow mark, "It is nothing there now, but touch it. Venti. Your power grant a new one." The blue fades, Elizabeth shouts while seeing the changing scenery, "Please, wait." The sayings from Rowena left is talent of yours is beyond imagination.

From the yawning conversations with Rowena, she opens her eyes abruptly. The Thant lays on the ground, Joshua presses his temple. Dominic mutters, and hugs her in tight. And he notices something strange on her, eyes widen. Elizabeth shakes her head, "Why you look so shock ?" She whirls and sees other with the exact expression. Dominic swallows hard, "Elizabeth, your forehead." Reaching her fingers near her head, her finger tips touches something. The coronet ? No, it is different.

Power it carries is malice and splendid. Light branches of palo Santo twists and crosses itself to have a droplet shape. Blue sapphire sits in the middle, the sliver lining embodies the sapphire. Simplistic of that crown swindles the crowd. The unnerving young boy stands behind Joshua asks, and his quaking voice ends the dead silence. "Is that the lost diadem ?" A rivet of power slides smooth her veins and blood inside the body. New, something new. Stretching her arms out to the air, same previous shield circles her and Dominic side. And She pushes the power from inner force, and absorbs it to flush it to The Thant. 

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