Staring at your soul

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"The Didam, where is it ?" Two members of the The Thant now take off their hood that expose themselves to Elizabeth. Just as she imagines, one of them is the boy who dresses loosely. A moment of epiphany passes by her mind. "Tell me is my sister involved, Diana Holmes, ?" The guy grin in a very unpleasant way, "That would be none of your business since you and her are not sisters in blood." In deep, she and Diana never share any affinity bondage. Yet, Having Diana in is on the whole other level. The Thant is a cult, vicious one. Another one who is more likely younger, demands in haste, "Where is it, answer !" His reckless voice draws her back to the topic, "What do you mean, I do not have it ?" The younger one chases her answer, scolds her in dissatisfaction, "You know where is it, you must be." The guy comfort him as if latter is transforming monster if he does not calm down. To contrast the differences, the guy says leisurely, "Ravenclaw lost Didam, somewhere hidden by Helena who seems to be a friend of yours. Joshua told us you always seen her in past. On the top of that, you are the Ravenclaw descendent. There is no need for you to deny it."  A figure in silver armour shows up from the balcony at second floor reminds her their strategies.

Elizabeth peeks her back from the garden, vast of greens and flowers. Moment of truth. Putting her attention back to them, she strengthens her voice, "Well, if you can catch me, I will tell you maybe." Leaving this irritating statement, she sprints with full strength. Branches of trees have been a excellent cover for her to outrun those two. They at the beginning did not react fast enough to realise Elizabeth already left. Small road is within the trees and identified by rocks nearby. Dominic's words recoils her when to turn to get to her destination. Hearing the younger boy yells, "How did she run so fast ?" It surprises her yet she knows they will match her pace in a minute. Medicine inside her body is still functioning. Luckily, her physique is well trained during the Quidditch practise. A light blue water is presented in front of her, the pool is there.

"There is no way you can escape now, Surrender Venti." Two boys circle themselves near Elizabeth. The water is glimmering below the sunlight, it reaches to very far place. Her trap is set, waiting the prey to get in. Footsteps coming towards her, and she sees Joshua. He pants, still glares to his member instantly. "Elizabeth, you should join us.." Her thin voice slashes over his saying, "By revealing where it is ? even if I really know where it is, there is no way I would tell any of you." Joshua whistles in arrogant, seems not to bother her power. They all overlook her capabilities which is exactly what she wants. Elizabeth steps back, almost at the edge of the lake. Joshua continues, "Come on, Elizabeth. There is such an easy way for you to choose. Join us." She walks one step closer to Joshua, and approaches to his ear. The boys are alarmed yet Joshua raises his hand to gesture them do not move. When she closes right at his ears, she scream at the loudest. "Dominic !" The next things she sees is a shiny silver armour hand griping her waist and winnows her to the lake. When Joshua's still holding his ear from recovering she yelling, the younger boy seizes Dominic and Elizabeth turning to the lake. And they jump.

There is not suffocating feeling when they winnow, the water is somehow kept outside. Elizabeth feels Dominic's hugging her, stroking her palms on his back. A vast of blue is dividing in front of them which means their plan is working. He stares to her, she drifts to his lips.

Before they landing to the cobblestone staircase, Dominic does not sure what just happened and hears, Elizabeth murmuring, "I am fond of you, Dominic." He cannot even have time to acknowledge her confession, three figures appears in the middle of the lake. Poof, poof, nosies from the boys, Elizabeth pulls up her polite smile full with sarcasm, "If I were you, I wouldn't bother to speak unless you want drowning." Only Joshua is more descent as he adapted the situation quick, who puts his effort in swimming. Yet, he is swimming further away to the staircase. Elizabeth flexing her fingers to them, and someone yells, "You cannot your magic in others' Reverie." Elizabeth nods, "That's very true, only if here is my reverie." They widen their eyes, glowering to her in disbelief. "No way, you can open that yourself." The boy mocks her, the frightened tone in him betrays himself already. Joshua inquires, "What you wanna do ?"

Elizabeth stands up for herself, conjuring a glass silk like surface upon her finger tips. The filmy object she conjures appears to less threatening to which is mocked by the Thant in the water. "Ha, that ? Your ability of wind is useless, like what you can do with it ?" She smiles wider, squeezing her two palms together hard. Smashing them in loud noise causes the Thant even Dominic turn around to her side. Right hand clasps firmly to her left. Within seconds, a series of tiny blades is presented when realising her hands. She bids her goodbye to the Thant, "See you, Poor souls." Shooting them as fast to the lake, the water swindles and forms a huge tornado. Not until she cannot sees them being absorbed into lake instantly, she says under the breath. "Well, that could buy us times for finding the coronet, right ?" She whirls to Dominic, who lurches toward her, stroking her cheeks, and kisses her.

Even they land back to Ravenclaw Tower, Elizabeth can sense a heating sense on her face. Nevertheless, Hogwarts becomes worse. Bricks falls down from the ancient wall, she stares. She used to believe those walls are impenetrable to break in. Seeing them being bursted wide open, sadness cannot help but come across her heart. Dominic calls to her, draws her apart from dwelling in that negative thinking. "Hey, we can get through this together." She recoils, "Together." As they jog around hallways after hallways, a few figures stand out from the crowd. Dominic yells to Elizabeth of the students's everywhere surrounding them. "I think that is Maddy and...." Elizabeth glances in focus, 'Harry !" Although Elizabeth's arms are about to fall off, Harry and Maddy do discover them. She glimpse at Dominic's wand in his robe, mutters, "My stupidity." Her right hands is open, and casts gust of wind by her fingers that precisely aim at them.

Flush, Harry turns and sees Dominic and Elizabeth at the top of staircase. Elizabeth uses Helena's trick that taught her, sending note through wind. "Harry, I will help finding the lost diadem." Harry confirms with nodding remotely. "Let's meet whenever I find it." Harry says to her, she recognise his words through his mouth when speaking those words. "Please, thank you."

Helena is the only one who knows where it is. Elizabeth is accompanied by Dominic to the forgotten garden which near the Ravenclaw tower. Entering to the garden, she suggests to him, "I need to do this alone, sor-" Dominic seizes her hands softly, and smiles. He does not leave until when she still can catch his shadow. A seeable drifting cloud is near the pillar. She looks rather lonely. Elizabeth steps closer, "Helena." Helena whirls around her in haste.  She flung, "If you looking for that diadem, forget it. I won't say...." She stops suddenly, when seeing Elizabeth's face. Briefly wet moistures is around her eyes. Elizabeth hopes she can hug Helena, and she draws gentle wind like sunshine in winter. Hoping that it can help her to wrap her in arms. Helena widens a bit, fixing her gaze to Elizabeth, who admits, "Helena, we need to find it," Great booming sound comes from the teaching tower next to them. She adds, "There cannot more casualties, innocent people dies." Helena closes her eyes, frowning in sorrow. She does not say a single words, and moment later, "when you need it, it will come to you." Before Helena leaves, she leaves a note to Elizabeth, "Just think about this, you will find it. The Ravenclaw descendant." And she fades and immerse to the air.

Students after students, their clothing is messily worn that Elizabeth cannot fathom this place anymore. School becomes war zone. It does not take her long enough to discover Dominic, standing right at the outdoor hallway of the garden. In the absence of pondering, she darts to his direction. He widens his eyes, cannot catch her in high moving speed. Only these two hugging each other in the chaotic state. She pulls herself from Dominic, says so confidentially, "I knew where the coronet is." Stepping before a wall, Elizabeth and Dominic could smell blood and see smoke everywhere. Stench from the air reminds her that time is ticking. So she wishes, wishing the room shows itself.

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