The Thant

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There is unquestionably Elizabeth feels odd from a year away from school, students casting their gaze to her in curious and some may be detest. After almost a week, only a few would still stare since there is such a huge matter happening in the school. To which, Voldemort finally reaches his claw to Hogwarts to take over by having Snape as the headmaster. For the saviours, Harry and Ron and Hermione are all left, left to stray and escape of trying so hard to collect all horcuxs. Coloured flags nor carpets around the school, there is barely liveness compared to the Hogwarts Elizabeth used to know. She cannot reach out to Maddy nor Viola as the death eaters are at every classroom and entrance. It is difficult for her to move freely, except.....

She searches the book shelves, it has been some moments for her finding at the magnificent library. "It should be here," for concentrating a long time, she squeezes her eyes to relax them. Heading straight towards to the professor, "Excuse me, is the book "The element in Nature" not in number 113 to 116 shelves anymore ?" The professor stiffens, and gawks to her, "Miss, we do not allow such category literature for students to access." Elizabeth speaks in haste, "But it is available last summer." "Well, not anymore. You should go and search another types, perhaps potion dictionary." Their talking has been increasing loud that caught the guard's attention. She spots them nothing at their direction. "Understood, professor. Thank you."

Leaving the library as the guards watches her closely, and the only place is off guard is her dorm room. As she shuts the door behind her, it has been her relief. She lies upon the bed, "It is lucky that I got some private space here, at least here." Knock, knock near the window, Quinn's beak is beating against the glass. A letter is wrapped around her claw. It is a note, very very small paper that only two lines are written on it. Come meet me at the astronomy tower after dinner.

The letter does not addressed the identity of the writer. Elizabeth still choose to go to the tower that day. In the great hall, Professor Snape announces in his flat dead tone, "In this new year, I require all do behave yourself. Three breaks a day between lessons would be cancelled, only breaks you have are lunch and dinner. After dinner, students need to report themselves before curfew. The time for curfew changes to" Words from Snape goes in to her ear and out to another. It came to her surprise, the guards are not that firm to the students. They maybe do not care at all. She picks up her half empty plate, walks to the hallway. Crawling back to those stairs, she finds two guards standing next to the door to common room. "Excuse me, I am student of the seventh year. Since I need to prepare the class of astronomy, I may be late for the curfew." The guard eyes scan to Elizabeth for a while, "Name ?" She pauses, and recoils to her life as Holmes and the guard ask again, "Name ?" "Elizabeth Venti."

Clouds are moving extraordinarily slow in pace. Sky is darken of the clouds, and the moon is no where to be found. Only the guards would believe such lie. Elizabeth murmurs, waiting for the one who she presumes's arrival. The lost coronet, where is it? She thinks hard, maybe I will ask Helena the other day. She must know it. Her spacing out, did not notice a shadow is hither to her back. A voice that so familiar yet so distant, "Good evening, Elizabeth." She turns to face him for a year apart, difference upon him is unexpectedly large. "Joshua. How are you doing ?" He shrugs, lips curling downward, "nothing much. Things have been... adjusted a lot." Elizabeth casts her gaze to Joshua, the strange is that he shone brighter not only in hair sense yet sharper in aura. She can at best stare at him for a peek, quick peek. The wind blows off his hair, wavering in the sky as if a leader in his pack. 

They pause, both speak nothing. And for a moment, Joshua breaks the silence. "I have an offer to you, Elizabeth." She whirls, facing towards him that discovers his shirt buttons across his neck are wide open. The light shines through the cloud, she froze. A scrawny blank line is drawn there, underneath his collarbone. It hooks like a tail at the end. "So what do you think?" Mind had left her body when Joshua ask her about something. Clearly, she does not listen to what. She says, "Sorry, can you..." He repeats in lucid, "I was wondering if you are interest in joining me and my friends created society ?" She opens her mouth, a series of ding dong sounds ring near her ear abruptly. It is from.... She catches his hand, "It would be lovely for you to invite me but I need to leave before the curfew. Farewell." 

The girl leaves in rush, only her dark hair tip is seen to Joshua when he is about to call her. There is a slump in his hand that about to rise and fall. He turn back to the stone balusters, touching the upper buttons of his shirt. "Just show yourself." Speaking to the space that no one is around him. A figure lurks in from the wall, "You always know." Joshua speaks in facing backward to the comer, "You are too obvious with your trace, Ivan." "Well I do no wish to interrupt your time with that Venti, although it seems you are finished." Joshua deepens his voice, "There cannot be finished business of me to her." The black robe is unable to hide Locus's baggy pants and almost wide open shirt. Joshua glances that and says, "Tidy up yourself, do not dress so improper." Locus pats his sloppy shirt, and giggles, "It is a rare scenery for you getting rejected or even worse being disregarded." Glaring at him with impatience, "She would accept it and would come back to me," He stretches his fingers and holds them tight together, "Not far." His words fades within the darkness of night. The wind ruffles from the sky and to the hallways, to Elizabeth dorm room. 

Dominic questions, "Is there any chance that the guy I saw on the express is the same one we are talking about ?" They both sigh, "Things starting to flow from the surface, I guess." Elizabeth continues, "I will tell that to Harry who possibly are finding the horcuxs." He stares to her, asking," But how you contact with them ? Everyone cannot find them ever since the wedding." She picks her fingers near her mouth repeatedly, thinking any way to find them. Maybe sending notes by Quinn yet is too risky. She is drowning herself in her thoughts. 

He knows that look, he knows that Elizabeth is inside her deep thoughts. So he is wondering himself, what this girl brings to him, so precious that it makes him feel fulfilled and authentic in his school life ? People always says you need to grasp at things, not wait until it fades away. He confesses.

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