Breathe In, Breathe Out

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Quidditch trials starts in the later June this year, as everyone attention is drawn to the tournament. A week left for the final task. Despite Elizabeth does not shares deep connection with Cedric, is hard for her to be the only one knowing the countdown of his fate. Suffocating, death to someone she knew. Elizabeth is mixing the pumpkin juice, eyes spacing out. Maddy asks, "Is the nerve ? you surely can be in the team." Elizabeth looks back to her, eye lids are half enclosed, webs of blood veins in her eyes. She touches her short ponytail, "Not having good sleep, but thanks Maddy. I am ready to push myself all out for the trial." She stands up, watching the time, "I will see you guys in the house competition next year, and beat you." Putting her fist, firm and tight, bumping to Maddy's. 

Same day, the whole field is for four houses to proceed the recruitment. In the break, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are preparing settings. Elizabeth and other participants awaits near the benches. Yellow shinny hair in tall slender figure is approach there. Elizabeth stretches, doing her warm ups, greets Joshua in energetic, "Good morning, you come for the trial as well, Joshua?" He points out, left arms folded with right elbow, "Yes, Have you gotten enough rest past days?" "Will you believe if I say yes?" He reminds her with patting her head, " I am a good listener to any subjects." Her mouths, observing the people around them which distance to separate from them, "It sounds silly, but if you know something bad, tragedy is happing inevitably, will you ..." He interrupts, "Will I stop it from happening?" She nods, He answers, "Yes, I will". He casts his gaze over the field, chasing the players in the team. Not exactly differentiate who is he looking at, bloody Malicious light blazing in those blue eyes. Sky blue, like crystal clear. Hateful feelings appear in those eyes is so unnatural, so eerie that Elizabeth assumes she catches that mistakenly. The colour is still dimmer compared to Dominic's near to platinum hair. Dominic, the clip of his blushing ears flashes impulsively in front of hers. She scoffs tenderly. 

Elizabeth does not realise their gap in opinions or values, the way observing things. Joshua adds on, "Would you, change it?" She ponders, for herself, the answer is no. Knowing Cedric is dying in following weeks, is not that she is cruel or anything. Is helpless, helpless for destiny. She certainly cannot interfere the fate of anyone, even when one is leading to dark path. Gentleman, the smile that always hangs on Joshua's face questions Elizabeth will he scarifies himself or not. On top of that, her question is misleading which Joshua maybe assumes is referring own destiny . He states rigidly sharping in fighting for himself. That should insinuate kindness or chivalry, contrast with the blood thirst in his eyes. Her gut instinct directs her narrows brow, Ambrose voice pulls her back to the trial. She swiftly replies, "Maybe I will try my best as well, anyway Thanks Joshua for listening." 

Primary criteria is riding broomstick skills, familiarity to the rules and checking efficiency of communicating with teammates. Ambrose lines others with her, explaining the flow, "Thank you everyone for coming. We will look for two chasers and a keeper, two for the back ups, total five. Let me cut to the chase, we will separate into two groups, one follow me and another is under Dominic," He gestures the guy who standing quietly at the edge of group. Elizabeth senses the gaze from the front, she raises hers forehead, is Ambrose is winking at her for whatever reason. What happened to his eyes, she fixes her eyes to him. He orders people who is in his group, ".......and the last one, Eliz...." Dominic steps in, approaching to the centre in waspish, hands both causally holding down besides him. Ambrose closes his mouth, when Dominic is staring through the crowd, direct to Elizabeth. She is certain that a glint of vehement, and he shift his gaze to whole, says in smooth calm flat tone, "Others follow me." 

As there are time limitation, the trial is run through in an excellent speed. In the last round, she demonstrates stabling the Quaffles, dogging other attack in agile. She is very grateful for Harry making her to do back training and Dominic for the sit ups. Although the process is somehow painful, but so wroth it. Every move she does, Dominic as the examiner to evaluate of course has the right to watch, still his gaze is sharp and intense. Ambrose moves in after an hour, he comments, "Thank you, we will be announcing the result tomorrow. Those who received a letter got in, and those do not, I am unfortunate to tell them before hand they are not in. After all, thank you everyone." Professor McGonagall stomps in with Harry, and his teammates, Next is the Gryffindor. In the wooden stairs next to the exit, she meets them, Harry calls her name, "Elizabeth, I have heard what happened after that class. Is everything ok with Dumbledore?" She thanks, "Not a big deal, just I need to be in your shoes. I wonder how you deal with your fame, Harry." He pushes his glasses with modesty, "I do not even get famous in my own will. Plus, the reason behind is my parent's death." She realises his loneliness, "Sorry for bringing up that." Professor McGonagall screams across the field, "Harry!" Harry chuckles, "You will get used to it, I am sure and send luck with your trial result." He waves to her in departing, rushes to the field. 

In the weekend is student's break within the schedule. She decides to try her luck, carrying on her mission in finding Helena. Climbing to the balcony, is quiet as usual. Wind is within the air, she chooses the balcony again as the tower is the closet place to the sky. If I cannot find her, maybe I can practise my connection here. Unfolds her palms to the sky, she stands near to the reef. Serenity and Tranquility. Breeze is immersed into the environment, mild air has flushed through her fingers. Elizabeth mouths, "Miss Helena?" Silence answers her same with last time. She does not dare to give up, reiterates to herself, to the space within the empty balcony, "I am Elizabeth Holmes, recently I discovered my ability or like connection with wind. Which wind is element of Ravenclaw, and I want to seek your help in...." She scoffs in bitter, "In something, maybe the answers in what am I, the identity and..." Lost in blank, moments later to which she pulls herself somehow. 

Striking her hands out, she senses the shivers once that the wind is thriving, flowing fiercely inside her body. A soft mellow voice raises around Elizabeth ears, "Breath in, Breath out." Sensation of what happened in charm lesson, she still her mind and heart to concentrate to that. Feel and touch. A white, nearly to transparent haze swishes between her fingers. Elizabeth averts her eyes to the haze, she tries to catch it but she cannot. "You cannot clutch to it, it will wane away." Elizabeth searches the voice, "Is that you, Miss Helena?" The floating gray figure appears, "Yes, and please do not always yelling my name. Is embarrassing." She covers her face with her hand, turning her back away. "Thank you so much, I think I can control to now." Helena turns back to Elizabeth instantly, "You wish, is the element we are talking about. Even for the Venti and me, constant training is required, but with my guidance, maybe you can in weeks." 

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