Quidditch World Cup

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"You do understand this is 6 am in the morning ?" Ron inquiries Ginny who looks refreshing, the only one truly "awakes" in the group. "Sleep at eight, get up at six is my routine." Ginny proudly claims the fact. Yet, everyone are so tiring. They walk in a extremely slow pace for Ron, Harry and Elizabeth. Hermione follows Ginny with her best, being with Mr. Weasley. Ron seems to chat with Harry, he is exhausting but try to keep himself up. They are all heading to the centre of the forest. This is where the meeting point is. Elizabeth walks after the group, she barely sleep the whole night through. It is not often for her to step into the forest when she was in her past life. Even she can barely open her eyes, she tries to breathe in everything in the air. The fresh clean air among the nature. In the morning, she can feel some chills stroking her cheeks. She notices there is water droplets on leaves near the huge pine tree. When she approaches, those droplets are glassy and quiet. Water. This brings her back the memory in the library. She whispers softly, "Slytherin is Water and..." Gale-force wind brushes towards the group, to Elizabeth. "Ravenclaw is Wind." 

"Where does the strong wind come from?" Hermione yells, holding her hat to not fell off. "No one knows." Ron yelling in the wind. That sudden strange wind is only last for momentary. Soon, they are all distracted by the new arrival, The Diggory family. Mr. Weasley rushes himself over to them, they shakes hands so excitingly. Rarely, Hermione is dazed away, but now Elizabeth is witnessing that scenery. Ginny's face is red, the two ladies are blushing as handsome charming Cedric Diggory leaps form the tree. Elizabeth simply nods her heads with everyone else when Cedric peeks at the group. Diverge from Ginny and Hermione, all Elizabeth thinks of is This is a Ravenclaw and Gryffindor exchange. He is a Hufflepuff. He is certainly a good looking guy, somehow has similar aura with Joshua who has not been as close. Hufflepuff are so mysterious like having her sister and Joshua and others. It seems last time she does not act politely of being distracted by others. 

As Elizabeth drafting off in her daydreams, they arrive the top of the hill. The old dirty boot ladies on the ground for them to grab it. The moment they grab it, Elizabeth wonders why Harry still hasn't, so she takes his hand to grab it. Apart from the falling down hard on the ground, she is so thrilling for the first Quidditch matches. And she hears Professor McGonagall 's voice from the giant tent at middle. Harry nods to me from his shoulder, I follow up to him and get to McGonagall with speed walking. Ron and others are departing to their tents, "See you later, Harry and Lizzy !" Ron waving his hands to us. I heard ginny murmured and asked, "Hermione, is Elizabeth in the quidditch team ?......" And Elizabeth cannot hear what is the rest, but she is not weird that Ginny would ask such questions. She knew Ginny admires Harry deeply for long ago. Elizabeth does care for the match only, instead of other's envy little heart. 

When they arriving there, Elizabeth greets McGonagall and the Ravenclaw couch with bright smile. "Good morning, Mr. Potter and Miss Holmes. Maybe this is not your problem but Mr.Potter , I do hope you not always be RIGHT ON TIME. " Harry whispers sorry awkwardly and move along side. Elizabeth trying to sneak out to avoid angry McGonagall, McGonagall calls her, "Miss Holmes, Your friend, Miss Clark talking makes me dizzy, she has been waiting for you." All Elizabeth sees is something red pushes over her. "I miss you Lizzy !" Elizabeth chuckles, "I miss you too, but aren't we just meet over the summer ?" 

Two girls are catching up with each other with their excitement of the event. Witches and wizards from the world have gathered around to watch the match. This year especially, after rumours of comeback of the Lord Voldemort, the public desperate for something to clam their nerves. Quidditch World Cup surely is the perfect distraction. Elizabeth observes her mates from Hogwarts. They did not raise much attention, except for Professor McGonagall and Harry. The crowd chatting whenever Harry is in the room. Maddy leans in to Elizabeth, "Lizzy, you realise there are only two professors with us this trip," Elizabeth frowns, looking puzzled, "Yes ?" McGonagall increases up her volume and interrupts Maddy at front, "Everybody, gather around." "Gryffindor houses please follow me and Ravenclaw please follow couch Wardwell. And we will meet each other at two hours later. Please read the schedule which will be given to you later. Dismiss." 

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