Whispers from Walls

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Elizabeth mouth lifts upward, but Harry does not discover any lightness in her eyes. Harry clinches as fists, resting above his knees. She m murmurs, "Please be chill, Harry." Harry stares to her, who sitting across the pink table. Behind them, the wall is painted in all shades of pink, rosy, cherry blossom and peach colours. Pictures of cats are hanging there which does not comfort human's heart as usual, instead they are quite disturbing. Elizabeth says with flat tone, "Umbridge, in fact, she cannot do us in what. She need to keep us intact. Plus, if anything happened, there would be someone check on us." Harry asks, "How can you be so sure?" With the strident door unlocking, Harry cannot hear her reply in the presence of Umbridge. She tries to walk gracefully, putting every effort in walking. Everyone in the school guesses why she wears in pink. It seems to her obsession, for example she is trying to fit into feminine aesthetics.

Umbridge sips, fingers pointing to them while holding her teacup. She sighs, "I really don't want to be the villain, our detention task is soon to be finished, just when the ink to sink in." The way she acts, and her consecutive behaviours once allows her to dethrone Voldemort, as the true villain in the story. Itches attacks her, wavering through her bodies. Scarlet red marks shows themselves on the skin, of Harry and Elizabeth. I MUST NOT TELL LIES. That is torture, literally in physical sense. It has never been a better way to understand other's pain by experiencing. Agony penetrates her skin and blood. Humming raises from Elizabeth, Just hang in there.

"Alohomora," With the spell arrives, door of Umbridge's office is barged in by an intruder, shall called her a saviour. "Minerva ?" Umbridge gasps with shaking herself with spilled tea. McGonagall declares proudly, "Yes, and may I ask what are you doing with my students ?" Splash, their mark is removed by Umbridge swift hiding spells. She lies, "Detention clearly." McGonagall says in solemn, "I do not wish to play trick with you, since the days of we as pubescent  are gone." Umbridge's faint winced eyes, "There are no tricks, I don't understand what your accusation came from." She peeks to Harry and Elizabeth's bare skin, cackles in cunning, "Evidence, Minerva?" Professor McGonagall breathes deeply, "At the presence of students, I do not wish to tear your facade down in such ugly manner." She takes a sharp breath, switching gaze to Elizabeth, "Miss Holmes," Elizabeth nods, drawing her sleeves to above forearm.

Umbridge glares to her, frowning with squeezing her eyes. She crosses both arms before her torso, her face saying what tricks can you pull off. Harry, on the contrary, glancing her with solicitude. He whispers, "Show her, Elizabeth." Professor McGonagall just smiles lightly, as if she is the mentor of a fearless general on battlefield, very certain of triumphant. To the truest extent, she is so sure as well. Elizabeth mouth curls, the light of the somber obsidian bracelet shoots out to the rest. Few beams reaches to her light blue sapphires. She mouths, "This is a obsidian bracelet, a present given by Professor Dumbledore." Unbridge criticises, "I am not interested in such business, so where is your point?" That curling grows a smirk, she answers, "But you should since it is a charm tracker." Harry hears a vulgar inhale from behind, the sound is quite ruefully. Not whirling at that, he knew it was Umbridge.

The sound does not end Elizabeth's detailed explanation. Voice of her is hoarse, herself doesn't recognise own voice. She speaks like a mercenary who come to collect the soul. In the hollow space in air, Elizabeth demonstrate idle gesture among fingers. A riff of wind is storming indoor, apparently the wind made by her. "It can recreate the magic/ spells that performed by me," For a while, she mouths, "Priori". The faint wind is reversed back, as the magic trace. Umbridge face is pale, as she says another word, "Another function is it can detect the spells performed on me as well. Priori" That arching sensation crawls over her body again, and once it gets to the spot. I must not tell lies, just resting on her back of left hand.

McGonagall scolds, "Merlin's beard," She asks another victim in the office, "Harry, is it true that.." Harry cuts off her question, and assert certainty, "Yes, Professor Umbridge did that to Elizabeth, to both of us." Although this happened in splash, Elizabeth admits she enjoys hearing Umbridge's screaming and protesting. She and Harry are awaits in Dumbledore's office, hears a whisper. "mind if I ask you what is that?" Elizabeth looks back to Harry, "you mean the obsidian bracelet?" He nods, "Oh, is Dumbledore gave me to detect my magic and" Distant voice rises, "And to prevent any cheating in Quidditch matches." They swirls around to find Dumbledore standing there. His presence always gives people calm. They understand his power is so dominant. He approaches to them, and says "It is unexpected for the bracket can achieve such purpose," He switches to Harry, "May I speak with Mr. Potter for moment, Miss Holmes ?"

They left, only Elizabeth standing in the centre, shelves of historical literature laying across. She observes one of it since it is in same scarlet cover of Rune Dictionary. About to touch the literature, and someone call to her, "Those are forbidden sections." Elizabeth gazes up to find the voice. The wrinkled face is looking to Elizabeth, the sorting hat stays on the top of shelves. "You...are the other one." She doesn't solve riddles pretty well, the figurative language blurs her mind. She remember the little incident happened, "Hello, can I ask you something?" The hat stares at her, she continues, "just wonder if you put anyone in wrong house." It's ancient voice tells her, "You are the first case in centuries but there are external factors." Elizabeth indeed is curious of what exactly the factor is , yet the hat mentions again, "You must possess some talent right, the last one knows what miracle he did?" Elizabeth decides to first inquire what the other one referring to. He tells, "Ah is the parseltongue." She says, "Paseltongue, the last one know it? Gods, only Harry and Voldy..." Her eyes widen, "Is there any common in me and them?" The hat is tilted to side, she holds her breath, feeling chest tightened. Seems to be hours, it winces his mouth again.

Author: Hello guys, thank you for anyone who read till here. It is my pleasure to have you as part of my little adventure. Just anyway, life is getting busy and the chapter may seem bit short. Sorry for that, thanking anyone who appreciate it. See you in next chapters.

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