Chapter 34

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The next day was Tuesday I wanted to wear something hot so I did I took my shower did my makeup and got dressed (image below$

The next day was Tuesday I wanted to wear something hot so I did I took my shower did my makeup and got dressed (image below$

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It was cute to of course i wore it. I walked out of my house saying goodbye to everyone and heading to my bus stop. Vance was their ace was their. Ace talked to Vance then walked over to me. "So what's going on between you and Vance" he said putting his hands in his pocket scared to ask me. "I don't know but dickhead friend sure knows how to piss someone off" I said "yeah I'm shocked he has an STD and someone from the school line called I wonder who" he said knowing it was me. "Cool good thing it's not me" I said reading my Magazine "cut the Bs jay I know it was you but Vance's doesn't why would you say that about Emma and Vance" he said trying to make me feel bad. "Oh yeah know he just told me the only reason we dated was because he wanted his dick wet and he never even liked me so yeah I im did are you happy now" I said slamming my magazine on the concrete fence.

"Oh I'm sorry jay but didn't be say sorry" he spoke "yeah in the weakest way possible" I spat and walked on the bus which had just arrived. I was pissed I wanted to pies him off too so I did what I wanted. Maybe this was just some teen drama and one day we will look at it as bullshit but know it's fucking hurting me.

Vance's POV
I told Ace everything how someone called saying Emma and I had An STD and how they called from school. I honestly had no idea who but whoever did this was in deep shit. I also told Ace about jay how I fucked up and how every time u try to apologize it's just not enough I mean what else am I supposed to do.

Ace said he'll go talk to her for me. She on leaning on a concrete fence reading a magazine. Her outfit was hot like always but i couldn't think that because one she was now an ex and two I already hooked up with Emma 4 times since we broke up so it was bad. I knew I still liked her even when I said I didn't. I guess I just spoke from my ass for 5 seconds but those 5 seconds changed everything. I saw her slam her magazine in the fence and a few minutes later the bus showed up and she left her magazine on the fence. I grabbed it because she probably forgot about it and maybe this was one way I could rekindle our friendship.

Ace walked back to me. "Your in deep shit man like deeper then the fucking Pacific Ocean" he said as we got on the bus. I saw jade and I had the balls to talk to her. "You left this" I said handing her the magazine. "Oh thanks" he said and gave me a fake smile how i knew it was fake right after the smile her face turned back to the Bitch face. I walked to my seat right in the back.

Back to Jade.
He handed me my magazine which I left and I took it and "smiled". We got to school and I got off the bus, the classes went by fast so did the day. My girls and I met up after school to go to the drive in. We set our blankets and Danna and Mary went and got snacks they came back with the boys and they sat down. I was talking with Danna when the movie started. We were seeing Jaws. Even though I had already seen it. We were watching the movie when I felt weird like if someone was looking at me. I turned to see Vance he look away right after but I don't know it was weird.

I know it was short but I'll try and update soon but until then enjoy your day or night and I'll see y'all later❤️♥️

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