Rumor Has It- Sebastian Stan

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I met Sebastian Stan during the filming of The Falcon and Winter Solider. I was cast as Sam Wilson's love interest. I immediately hit it off with Anthony and Sebastian. We all became close friends. 

Then something weird happened. 

 I didn't personally know Chadwick Boseman, but his death affected me because it made me really think about life and how we can't waste it. 

On the night of Chadwick's passing, I had no one to comfort me. I was scared and sad. So, I called my new friend Sebastian. 

We weren't even really friends yet. I had a few scenes with him and it was our meeting scene and our one scene in passing on the boat as I kissed Anthony. 

But, for some odd reason, something inside of me decided to text him.

'Hey.' I wrote.

'Hey.' He wrote back.

'Can I call you?' 

'Of course.'

Those two simple words gave me such a glimmer of hope as I picked up my phone and called him. 

We spoke on the phone till 4 am the following day. 

I felt so bad for keeping him up all night as I chatted away about nonsense at that point. But, he just sat there and listened. So, the next day, he called me. 

And then we sat on the phone for another few hours as he chatted away about nonsense. 

We kept doing this for weeks.

We got really close. 

Then, the show stopped filming. He informed me that he would start filming in Toronto for his new show Pam and Tommy. He asked if would like to come with him and see him on set one of the days. He promised to take me out to lunch so we can catch up in person. 

I agreed.

The morning I woke up in Canada, I opened my phone and saw the paparazzi images taken of me boarding my plane, getting into my Uber, getting into the hotel I was staying in, and then images of Sebastian entering the hotel the same night only a few hours later.

The reason this was such a big deal is that everyone was confused as to why there were no images of him leaving that night.

Because he didn't.

"Sebastian," I whispered as I nudged him in bed next to me. "What?" He groggily responded since we didn't get much sleep last night. ;)

"Did you see these?" I asked as I shoved the phone into his face. "No, I just woke up, or had you not noticed from you, you know, waking me up," He said as I nodded and apologized.

"People think we slept together," I said as I put my phone down and went through all the comments. "But we did sleep together," He replied snarkily.

"Yeah, but I don't want people thinking that I came all the way to Canada just to fuck you." "But that's exactly what you came to Canada for," He said as I hit him in the arm. 

"Yeah! But I don't need the whole world to know that!" I exclaimed as I then got up and started to pack my things. 

"Wait! Where are you going?" "Home! I cannot believe I came all the way to Canada for a booty call when I could be at home getting ready for work," I said as he smiled. "Do you want to come to set today and meet Lily and Seth?" He asked as I put down my things and smiled back.

"Yeah, fine. That does sound nice," I said as he smiled and then we got dressed and went out to go to set.

Paparazzi took more pictures of us but we just ignored them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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