20 Things About Captain Barnacles

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1. As a cub, he'd always wanted to be a tough sea captain who fought monsters every day and found new things in the ocean. Now he's an Octo-adoptive father of 5 grown adults, 4 children, and 12 Vegimals

2. Whenever he looks at his crew, he can't help but feeling a tiny twinge of pride at the people they've grown to be. He's so proud of Peso for being his brave boy and proud of Tweak for allowing herself to be loved by the crew (Dashi especially).

3. He would do anything for his "children". He's even tried to learn a TikTok dance from Dashi because no one else was willing to do it with her.

4.  His accordion was the first present Natquik ever gave him. He cherishes it more than anything, and it had been and still is his life goal to play it well.

5. Natquik is sort of a father to him. He's known Natquik since he was 13 since his own father wasn't around, he grew to love Natquik in an instant.

6. The song "Dear Theodosia" from 'Hamilton' makes him cry every time, and at night when he's the only one awake (except Tweak) he'll sing under his breath, praying his "children" hear him in their dreams, "My father wasn't around, I swear that I'll be around for you, I'll do whatever it takes, I'll make a million mistakes, I'll make the world safe and sound for you." Tweak hears him though, and she can't help but smile and tell him under her breath, "I love you too, Cap." before realizing he shouldn't be awake and marching up to the pods to yell at him to go to sleep.

7. The Captain has felt guilty about being the "father" of his crew because his crew had their real fathers and he didn't want his little ones to feel like they had to choose between him and their real father. Dashi's father ended up being the one to talk sense into him by telling him, "Look pal, I love my girls and you do too. Honestly, it's impossible not to love 'em. So thank you for taking care of them. They're all yours, and if you need me to embarrass them for you, gimme a call."

8.  Shellington loves to info-dump, and if no one else will listen to him, the Captain will, and he's even listened to a 2 hour rant about kelp and algae mitochondria from Shellington long after everyone else ran for it simply so he wouldn't hurt Shellington's feelings.

9. The Captain NEVER STOPS WORRYING about Inkling because 1. Inkling's old and 2. The Captain considers Inkling somewhat of a mentor and can't stand the thought of anything happening to him.

10. The Captain is just as much of an old person's dad as he is to his "children". When Natquik came to visit on the Octopod and he and Inkling were chatting about books, the Captain checked on them every 10 minutes and asked them if they needed water or anything.

11. The Captain believes the kids to be the most adorable, sweet, intelligent little ones in the world and he feels like the luckiest bear in the world to have them call him "Captain".

12. There's never been a day he could go without cuddling his crew and telling them all how much they mean to him and that they're the lights of his life.

13. He's always willing to help his crew from getting Kwazii unstuck from a tire swing to putting Peso onto his shoulders so his smol boi could reach a bandage roll he desperately needed.

14. This does not mean the Captain doesn't love his biological family either. His mother, sister, and the cubs are the light of his life and he wouldn't be able to live without them.

15. The Captain is beloved by the cubs and he loves them right back from the tips of their ears to their cute little toes, and the cubs will sit by the entrance of the den in anticipation for 'Uncle Barnacles' to come. When he does come, the cubs will jump onto his back and they'll play for hours

16. The Captain was the younger twin and was attached to his mother by the hip as a very little cub until Bianca was able to coax him into going sledding with her.

17. The Captain loves his sister (even if she does tease him mercilessly time after time) Since the day they were born, she was the one who chased all the monsters away, and she was the one who had been there for him through it all.

18. As a cute little cub, the Captain used to make little sculptures out of snow and give them to his mother and sister with presents. They would either melt or smash after a little while (or Bianca would lose them), and to keep him from being too upset, both his mother and his sister would tell him. The ice pixies thought your sculpture was so beautiful, they asked us to take it to their palace, and they promised they'd keep it safe forever.

19. He feels a little jolt of delighted shock whenever one of his crew members calls him "Dad" by mistake, and all of them have at some point.

20. There isn't anything on the planet that'll lessen his love for his biological family or his "Octo-Family".

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