On The Ice

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A/N- This was requested by ADyingFather, hope you enjoy.

"C'mon, Barnacles!" A little polar bear clad in pink hollored over her shoulder to her brother a few yards back.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" He yelled back to his twin sister as he caught up with her, huffing and puffing.

"Why did you run so fast, Bee?!" He whined as his sister rolled her eyes,

"Because I'm older, Featherpaws!" She exclaimed like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Barnacles crossed his arms and pouted.

"Only by two minutes." He protested.

"That's still older." Bianca chided in a sing-song voice, "Now come on! Natquik said we had to be at his den before 3!"

"It's only 2:30!" Barnacles reminded his sister, showing her the Artic-proofed watch that Professor Natquik had given him.

"But all Polar Scouts should be early, so they can be prepared for delays. That's what was in the manual." Bianca informed him in a wise voice.

"All Polar Scouts don't have to be annoying though." He muttered as they stepped onto a little ice floe that wobbled slightly under their weight.

Bianca suddenly stopped and perked her ears up. "Hold on, do you hear that?"

Barnacles paused for a moment as he scurried up to his sister. He could hear it too. It sounded like. Bianca ran off into the distance, and he followed, screaming for her to wait up, again.

"Bianca!" He called, but stopped at the sight of it. His sister was kneeling down next to a elegant white seal splattered with blood.

"Get Natquik! Go!" She urged him. His legs felt like lead, but nevertheless, he turned and bolted down the path of ice floes towards Natquik's den. The rest of that afternoon was a blur. He'd run back to his sister with Natquik and the other Polar Scouts trailing behind him. Natquik had scooped the injured seal up and ran to their medic's tent with blood still dripping on the ice.

"You are both heroes." Natquik had assured them after the whole ordeal, "Thanks to you, that seal has the opportunity to live another day."Barnacles wasn't sure about "hero". Bianca sure was. It was her who had found the poor creature after all. She was the hero. Someday, he promised himself, when he was Bianca's age, he wanted be big and strong just like her, and he wanted to help people just like she did, and he would be a hero, just like her.

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