Shadows Never Scared Me

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"Tweaky," A voice so full of innocence and  fear jolted the mechanic of the Octopod awake.

"Wha-"She mumbled, still not fully conscious, but went silent as her eyes fell on the intruder, "Dash, what happened, girl? Are you alright?" Tweak scooted over in her bed and allowed Dashi to snuggle in beside her. 

"This'll sound stupid, but I had a nightmare." Dashi hung her head in shame as Tweak wrapped an arm around her.

"Aw, what was it about?" Tweak murmured, rubbing her best friend's back in gentle circles.

"Remember the story about the bog ghosts that Kwazii told us tonight?" Dashi whimpered as Tweak held her, "Where they'd take someone and suffocate them in the bog?"

"Dash, girl, Kwazii's stories are a load of bull. There's no such things as bog ghosts." Tweak reassured, stroking her bestie's hair. She'd have to give Kwazii a stern talking-to later; one he wouldn't forget for a long time, "And even if there were, I'd fight them all off with my bare paws to keep them offa you. I promise."

"But-" Dashi tried to protest.

"Shh," Tweak shushed her, "Time to sleep now; you'll need your energy for tomorrow, Dash."

"But I'm not tired." Dashi pouted, burying her face into Tweak's chest as she gave a massive yawn.

"Oh, we'll see about that." Tweak gave a mischievous smile. Dashi's eyes were already closing.

Dashi snuffled a little in her sleep but did not wake as Tweak shifted her arm and smiled down at her best friend in the entire universe. She was so beautiful. She'd never believe it if Tweak told her, but she was lovelier than any woman in the world, inside and out. There wasn't a creature on the planet or even beyond that Dashi could not take in and love with all her heart. And her innocence, oh her sweet innocence. It made Tweak's heart melt into puddles without fail. 

She'd never had a close female friend before. All the girls back at home thought she was some uncivilized swamp-dweller. She truly, truly got lucky with Dashi. For Tweak, there was no one as trusting or as kind as her.

Dashi would be awake in a few hours, and by then, all the shadows of her nightmare would hopefully be gone, but until then, Tweak would protect her from all the monsters in the dark, and that was a promise.   

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