Incorrect Quotes

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(I own none of these, most [all] of these are from Thor.

Pinto and Squirt's 'driving lesson':
Squirt: This is a tremendous idea; let's steal the biggest, most obvious Gup in the ocean and sneak out in that, zooming around the ocean, smashing into everything so everyone sees us. It's brilliant, Pinto, truly brilliant!

Pinto: *Opens the door and pushes Squirt out.*

Kwazii: I got this completely under control!

Captain Barnacles: Is that why everything's on fire?

*Captain Barnacles being presented with his new and improved Octo-watch by Tomminow*

Captain Barnacles: Oh wow!

*rubs frantically at the lipstick*

Captain Barnacles: That is not coming off.

Kwazii: The Captain wouldn't want us to fight!

Tweak: Well he wouldn't exactly be shocked.

*Koshi swerves*

Dashi: What are you doing?!


Kwazii: *stuffs his face*

Tweak: How can you eat a whole pan of kelp cakes and still be this hungry?

Koshi: *reads cutely with Squirt to cheer herself up after her Donna Doxi TV series gets canceled.*

Jane: So I go to your writing studio slash your sister's room fully expecting you to be moping around in your pajamas, eating ice cream and obsessing over-

Koshi: *clears her throat*

Jane: You know what. But you're not, you're wearing lady clothes. You even showered, didn't you? You smell good.

Koshi: *disintegrates from embarrassment*

Shellington: *innocently presents Dashi with a malfunctioning calculator*.

Dashi: *smacks it on the desk*.

Shellington: That's what I did; I thought you'd do something a little more professional.

*Kwazii and Shellington look at the Gup-C's dashboard*

Kwazii: Do you even know what these things do?

Shellington: No?

Kwazii: Neither do I.

Tweak *is babysitting Kwazii because of obvious reasons.*

Tweak: I should not be left in charge of this. I don't get paid enough. I don't get paid, period.

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