Blink of an Eye

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A moan distracted Tweak from the Gup she'd been fixing, courtesy of Shellington.

"Me sweater shrunk!" Kwazii groaned as he slid into the Launch Bay and plopped himself down on a nearby crate, tugging at his Christmas sweater that Dashi had knit him. It did look a little tighter than it usually did, and a little bit of his stomach was poking out.

"Is that so?" Tweak raised her eyebrows at him.

"Yes." Kwazii sulked as he attempted to hide the sliver of his belly the sweater exposed.

"Well when did you last wash it?" Tweak asked as Kwazii immediately stiffened.

"Th-that's classified information, matey." She stifled a laugh. Of course. He probably hadn't washed it in the last two years. Kwazii gasped.

"Avast, t'was the evil Sweater Shrinkasaurus!" Kwazii growled as he raised his fist up to an invisible enemy. Tweak facepalmed.

"Not exactly, Kwaz." She grumbled. This was way harder than she expected. No, actually this was exactly how she anticipated this would go.

"Yarr, I fit into it last year." He sighed miserably, "It's like it shrunk in the blink of an eye." He still wasn't getting it, was he?

"Kwaz, you ready for the Christmas feast?" Tweak hinted as Kwazii eagerly leapt to his feet.

"Aye, me hearty! I'm starving!"

"You ate an entire tray of the Vegimal's cookies this afternoon!" She called to him, "And you wonder why you can't fit into your Christmas sweater!"

"Why?" He turned around as she stared at him in disbelief and he stared back at her cluelessly before his entire face lit up, "Ohh, so I need to feed my sweater more! Thanks Tweaky!"

She could only stutter in shock as he turned around and climbed back up the chute. Oh. My. Goodness. He really was a clueless idiot.

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