Morning Bells

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An ear-splitting shriek filled the Launch Bay, and Tweak was less than happy about it. Mornings were bad enough without a certain pirate cat serenading her with his rather on-point banshee impression. When she unwillingly cracked her eyes open, a gruesome sight awaited. Splotches of red were smeared all over the floors and on the walls. That wasn't coming off anytime soon.

"Kwazii" She growled dangerously.

"Er, yes Tweaky?" An orange cat shuffled out from behind his hiding place in the Gup-A.

"Did you do this?" Kwazii surveyed her for a few seconds, unsure whether to lie or not.

"No?" He pathetically attempted as she rolled her eyes.

"Then did someone else paint 'Kwazii is the best pirate' on the wall in ketchup?" She deadpanned. The realization that there would be no way out dawned on a very done for pirate.

"Er, yes?" He winced as Tweak glared venomously in his direction.

"Then who was it, and why did they spell best with two 's'es?"

"Um..." There it was. She gritted her teeth and facepalmed before grabbing a broom leaning against the wall and brandishing it in his direction.

"You've got five seconds to get out." The pirate cat screeched and practically vaporized before her eyes. Worked like magic. She stood staring at the chaos spread out in front of her for a good 5 minutes before rubbing her eyes and heading back into her room to grab the blueprint she'd been working on. Things certainly got interesting very quickly on the Octopod, believe her.

Octo-Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें