20 Things About Pinto

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1. Boi is ADHD af. He's never been able to sit still or keep quiet for long, and his attention span is a train wreck.

2. He's idolized Peso since day one. To him, his big brother is the coolest person to ever walk the earth and is SO AMAZING because he's a medic

3. The second person he idolized with all his heart was Kwazii. He had been obsessed with pirates since he was a tiny chick and thought pirates were the most awesome people in the world and could do no wrong. This mindset caused a bit of an issue when Pinto started believing every stupid monster story Kwazii came up with.

4. Pinto has never admitted he was afraid of seals because he learned from Kwazii that pirates have to be fearless. His brother knows, though, and always assures his baby brother that they're safe and no one on the Octopod will let anything happen to him

5. Like Kwazii, he's afraid of women, or a certain girl in particular. Pinto's shy around girls he like-likes, but there's only one girl in the whole world who can strike fear into his heart with a single look.

6. Dashi is sort of like a cool aunt to him, and he treats her in the way that he usually treats women, with courtesy and respect and pure sweetness.

7. There are exceptions though. He finds it too much fun to bug Koshi from time to time, and he's practically made a game out of annoying Jane.

8. Once Pinto grew up, he decided to stay on the Octopod and serve as a medic alongside his brother, but when he had to go off to medical school, both he and Peso cried the whole night before he had to go and refused to let go of each other.

9. Pinto is capable of making a near Kwazii amount of noise. It drives all his friends, Inkling, and Peso crazy to no end. Peso's the only one who's very nicely suggested he be quiet for a bit and did not yell at him to shut his stupid beak or "accidentally" push him down the library stairs.

10.  He had always wanted to fly, and whenever the mood strikes him, he'll do something stupid to attempt to fly, (aka jump off the Octopod), and he wonders why people are doubting the 'Penguins are smarter than most animals' fact.

11. As a tiny chick, he used to follow Peso around night and day, and would try and copy every single one of his big brother's movements, which Peso thought was adorable because he had a tiny, cute mirror image. 

12. Pinto is obsessed with musical theater. He's loved to sing since he was little and has been nearly fanatical over every musical he's seen.

13. He knows he's short and he has a hard time reaching the top shelves of the cabinets, so he practically does parkour to reach the tops of things until someone tall than him sees and either picks him up so he can reach it or lets him stand on them.

14. Kwazii has taken him on midnight trips to search for treasure or monsters before without telling anyone. Almost all of these trips have ended in them needing to get rescued. 

15. Jane has always been more of a sister to him than anything. He asks her for kisses simply because he knows she hates it. But if another man of whatever species were to try and touch her, he would fight them to the death. He acts like he hates her, but she's his favorite person in the world who he isn't related to and doesn't have feelings for. 

16. Pinto is definitely more immature than his brother. When he was learning about the... er... gluteus maximus and surrounding areas in Medical School, he could not stop giggling during the lecture and had to leave the room. Peso was not impressed. 

17. He's a bit fed up with big brothers, especially with Squirt. He gets annoyed by Squirt, especially when he tries to stop him from doing the stupid stuff he wants to do and tries to torture (ahem, he means tutor) Pinto in science.

18.  Pinto is trilingual. His first language was Spanish, then he learned English from his brothers and sister, then he learned German from his friends, well, more of learned every single cuss word and "go jump in a lake" in German from all the times Jane had gotten mad at him. 

19. He used to be extremely attached to his mother and sister when he was a really, really, really tiny baby. Peso doted on him, and was the one who lured his"baby boy" out of his comfort zone and made him into the confident, animated boy he is.

20. There's no one he loves more than his family, both Octo-Adopted and biological and they love him, because how could they not? Pinto has mastered the art of looking sweet and innocent and winning over everyone's hearts. Plus he's a ladies' man now he knows how to respect women (or was forced to learn how to respect women, that is)

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