20 Things About Tweak

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1. She's loved engineering since she was a little bunny. When she was young, she would take apart just about any machine within her reach and try to put it back together to the best of her abilities

2. The one thing she loves more than engineering is her family, both Octo-adopted (Kwazii is debatable, though) and biological.

3. Tweak is a 'Daddy's girl' through and through. When she was a tiny little bunny and going through her unmentionable "Beauty and the Beast" phase, her father took her to a 'Daddy-Daughter dance' in Orlando and let her stand on his feet while he twirled her around.

4. Her Octo-Family has a special place in her heart that can invoke so much fury but so much love out of her.

5. When Tweak is upset or exhaustion-loopy, or done with life, she will eat nothing but carrots for days on end because she can.

6. Tweak is a really really good singer, and she and Dashi will often do duets of their favorite songs, and it isn't uncommon to have Tweak sing a lullaby to Kwazii or the Vegimals when they're sad and need cheering up.

7. She claims she hates Kwazii's guts, but not even an hour after she says that, she and Kwazii end up playing video games in her room and building a cardboard box fort.

8. With great hearing comes great sensitivity to loud noises. She is so grateful to her anatomy that she is capable of rolling her ears up to block out anything that's too loud for her, but it can lead to problems where she can't hear anything and misses something important

9. Dashi is the best friend she's ever had, minor kidnappings to the mall and everything. Tweak acts all hard and tough, but the second Dashi gives her hugs, she can't help but hug her bestie right back.

10. Tweak will protect the ones she loves at all costs from shielding Peso from a giant sea creature he was frightened by to covering the kids' eyes during a 'you-know-what' scene in a movie. There is nothing she would not do for her Octo-Family.

11. The kids are and will be her babies till the end of time. When they first moved out. (She'll never admit it) but she cried nonstop for hours because she couldn't stand the thought of her babies growing up and leaving her.

12. Even though Tweak tries not to do anything too bad in front of the kids, she still ends up whacking Kwazii with a broom and yelling at him that he's an idiot in front of them from time to time.

13. Tweak and sleep have somewhat of a toxic relationship. Tweak will decide not to go to end until 4 or 5 AM, and then will refuse to get up at a normal time unless Dashi bribes her with coffee and cuddles. She has been known to sleep until 1 PM at times which then contributes to her going to bed later, and she hates it.

14. Tweak hates playing favorites (other than telling Kwazii that she likes Dashi more than him) but you'll have to torture her before she even begins to consider having favorites among the other people in her life.

15. She is pretty strong from carrying around heavy equipment and tools for so long, which has made her quite toned. In fact, he'll never admit it, but Kwazii's afraid of her.

16. The Gups are her children and she will protect them with a fury unlike anything seen before. The poor souls who crash her Gups usually have to suffer a horrible fate, especially if their name is Kwazii.

17. Tweak still has some sort of mercy on those she knows don't mean to crash her Gups like Shellington. She's still furious at him, but she won't tear him into a million pieces but at the same time, won't let him help her fix the Gup either.

18. She loves small cute things like the kids and the Vegimals, and will cradle them in her arms from time to time. When she does, she has a habit of staying completely still and holds her 'baby' as tightly as she can because she doesn't want to drop them or startle them with any sudden movements, and she'll just sit there and appreciate the cute little bundle she's honored to be so loved by.

19. Tweak loves having Jane as an apprentice. Partially cos there's someone to clean up after (torture) Kwazii and draw blueprints for her and partially because she likes the special little 'men are poo-poo heads' discussions they have.

20. She is camera shy af. She hates being on camera except for when it's Dashi taking the photo because Dashi always gives her hugs and insists that Tweak's the most beautiful model in the whole universe to her.

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