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"Are ye ready maties?!" Kwazii shrieked, leaping up as the top of their blanket fort rattled.

"If by 'ready', you mean ready for you to break this whole thing we spent hours on, then no, we're not ready. And shut up; you'll wake Inkling." Dashi called from the other 'room' in their blanket fort that they'd built in the library for the night, not bothering to look up from her Harry Styles fan magazine that she insisted she didn't own.

Although I highly doubt we can wake the Professor, we spent approximately two hours on this fort, so please don't break it." Shellington chimed in as Peso nodded in agreement and tried to stifle a yawn.

"Peso," Tweak surveyed him with gentle suspicion, "Are you SURE you're not tired? It's an hour past your usual bedtime."

"Oh no Tweak, I feel alright. Thank you for your concern." Peso replied graciously, "Even if I was tired, I'd like to stay here though, but don't tell the Captain." Peso dropped his voice to a whisper and looked behind him. To his relief, no Captain could be seen.

"Is the Captain even awake now?" Tweak asked out of curiosity and Dashi only shrugged.

"Yarr, even if 'e was, he wouldn't come in here." Kwazii snickered.

"I thought he was already over his claustrophobia." Shellington commented.

"Yeah, he be over it alright," Kwaizi smiled dangerously, "Haven't ye been wondering why the chairs makin' up the doorway are so low?"

"No?" Shellington replied cluelessly.

"Matey," Kwazii shook his head, "Squeeze that head out of that microscope of yer's, will ya? The Captain'll be too big to fit through our door. SOOOO, he can't enter and yell at us to go to bed." He looked so pleased with himself, Tweak had to scoff and roll her eyes at him, earning her a dirty look.

"Makes sense," Dashi droned boredly, "But the kids can fit in here."

"Yeah, the kids who are currently sleeping in the next room, so can it!" Tweak hissed.

"You're worried about waking the kids, but not Inkling who's 10 feet away from us?" Shellington raised his eyebrows skeptically.

"Shellington, Inkling's slept through Kwazii trying to sing an entire opera to torture Tweak. I doubt he'll wake up because of one of our more civil arguments." Peso explained sweetly as Shellington decided it was logical and refused to speak any more.

"Yarr, but why not let the little mateys join us?!" Kwazii exclaimed and as of on cue, a humongous 'crash!' could be heard in the next room.

"That's why." Peso gently told him as both he and Dashi sprang onto their feet to make sure nothing had been destroyed. So much for "adult time."

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