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"Tweak?" Dashi called to her friend from behind the makeshift screen made from a random tangle of dental floss and Tweak's bedsheets, "Do I look OK?"

Tweak scoffed playfully and shook her head, "Dash, I can't see you, and you know I ain't going behind that curtain. Come out and strut your stuff for me!" Dashi giggled at her bestie's spirit and stepped out from behind the curtain with her arms spread out wide in a glittery, pink, body-hugging dress.

"Oh, Dashi." Tweak sighed , "You look fine, girl."

"Really." Dashi crinkled her nose and frowned adorably, "I dunno. It kinda makes my waist seem a bit big."

Tweak smiled gently and took Dashi's paws into her own, "Whatever size you are, you're beautiful to me, promise."

"Aww, Tweaky." Dashi hugged her tightly, "Why do you say that?"

"Because you're so damn beautiful on the inside." Tweak answered with a wink, "I guess it just spreads to the outside as well."

"Tweak," Dashi murmured, "You're beautiful too."

"Aww, thanks, girl." Tweak beamed, but her face immediately fell. Something fishy was happening here, "Wait, what's going on here, Dash?" Dashi gave her a tiny, evil, little grin and magically produced an equally sparkly green dress out from behind her.

"Oh, Dashi, no!"

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