Toughness of Pirates

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"Yarr, mark my words, mateys. Ye won't be finding anyone tougher than a pirate in the seven seas, matey!" Kwazii exclaimed as he heroically leapt onto the back of Professor Inkling's chair, earning him a glare from said Professor, "We be tough as steel with hearts of stone. Not a tear shed about anything. No cryin' for us pirates!"

Tweak scoffed, "Yeah, right Kwaz." Kwazii shot her a nasty look, and continued.

"Anyways! We be harder than the toughest metal on this planet! There be no way to break a pirate matey!" He puffed out his chest proudly as Pinto innocently waddled up to him and presented said pirate with a piece of paper scribbled on with crayon.

"Kwazii." Pinto called as he reached up and tugged on his idol's arm.

"Yes, me little pirate buddy?"

"This is for you." Pinto looked at him sweetly, pointing out each part of his drawing, "That's you, that's me. We're standing on a really big pirate ship, and that's your grandfather waving at us because he loves you!"

Kwazii was speechless, and Tweak smirked; here it comes.

"Ohhhhhh, thank you, me little matey!" Kwazii practically squealed and wrapped a smiling Pinto in a tight hug with tears in his visible eye.

"Kwazii?" She teased, "Are those tears I see? Are you crying?"

"N-no!" Kwazii answered thickly as he hastily wiped them out of his eye, "I- I
was sweating! I just finished a workout."

"Mm, sure." She responded, but she didn't sound too convinced.

"E-excuse me for a moment, mateys." Kwazii muttered, "I need the loo." It was moments like this that made Tweak extra thankful for her superhuman hearing, for not a minute after Kwazii left the room, she could hear a distinct wailing sound. "Pirates never cry", hah.  That was about as believable as one of those stupid monster stories he loved to tell.

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