You (Don't)Need Your Kidneys

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A/N- I have a story to write and no ideas. Help me, O' revered readers! Give me your suggestions of (friend/sibling) pairings, single person fics, and for fun, give me your OCs too. Love you all!

"So how badly do you want those stupid comics, Saukerl." Jane sat slumped in a beanbag chair across from said "Saukerl."

"Enough to sell my flippers." Pinto sighed moodily and pouted, "Kwazii wanted to buy them, but they costed 500 dollars!"

"500 dollars!?" Jane glared daggers at Pinto, "Who has that kind of money!?"

"I'm gonna have to sell my flippers if I want it." Pinto sulked as Jane rolled her eyes in sheer exasperation. Idiot.

"What makes you think people want your flippers, Pendejo?"

"Good point." Pinto waddled over to the beanbag chair and nudged her. She scowled but scooted over to make room for him, "Peso said people want kidneys, and they'll pay thousands and thousands of dollars for one!"

"Yuck, why would people pay that much for beans?!" Jane exclaimed in disgust as Pinto giggled, "You've seen what they do to Inkling!"

"No, kidneys are thingies in people's body. They're here!" He pointed to the bottom of his abdomen. 

"Oh, those." Jane answered unenthusiastically while having a staring contest with the floor, "Are you gonna sell yours?"

"No, no one can use a penguin kidney." Pinto leaned against her and crossed his flippers sadly, but immediately perked up, "But there are many people who want a dog's!"

Jane looked up slowly, "No."

"But, Saumensch!"

"No! I'm not giving up my kidneys for some stupid pirate comic." She instinctively brought her knees up to her chest to hide her midsection and her kidneys.

"But you can survive without your kidneys. I'll ask Peso!" Pinto yelled as he dashed out of the Game Pod.

"Go ahead and do that! My answer's still no." She yelled back as he ran off and sighed. Men. They were impossible.

"Peso," Pinto peeked into the Sick Bay with a gaze as warm and sweet as the Vegimals' hot cocoa, "Can, say, a canine survive without kidneys?"

"Well-" Peso's voice trailed off as he comprehended his little brother's question and his stomach dropped into his knees, "Wait, what did you do?!"

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