Only Child

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Kwazii was splayed out on his bed, bored out of his mind. Usually, he'd go annoy Tweak for a while, maybe hide a few drill bits, but there were only so many times a cat could take being spanked by a hammer.

He always wished he had siblings, but (un)luckily for him, he had none, so he did what any reasonable man in that situation would do; coincidentally run into a crew who'd hire him on the spot and become like family to him. A knock at the door startled him.

"Hey," Tweak grunted as she flopped onto his bed besides him.

"What do you want this time, Carrots. I didn't break anything, promise!" He exclaimed.  She chuckled and threw her arm over his chest.

"Dashi went to some stupid high school reunion of hers, and I'm bored." Tweak groaned.

"And why is that my problem?" Kwazii asked amusedly, 'I'm bored', usually that was his line.

"You're the second most fun person I know?" Tweak attempted.

"Who's the first?" He inquired in a tone of mock-seriousness. He already knew the answer.

"Oh, Dashi, duh." She scoffed, "She's way cooler than you. You're too immature."

"Am not!" He pouted,  "Well then I'm never playing video games with you ever again!"

"Fine by me," Tweak shrugged, "You kept gettin' mad whenever I beat you at Mario Kart anyways."

"I DID NOT!" Kwazii sulked and crossed his arms, immediately proving her previous point on his maturity.

"I rest my case". She said smugly. Kwazii didn't answer, so both of them sat in silence for a while, but soon enough, the silence got boring.

"So," Tweak finally asked, "Wanna go and play Mario Kart with me?"

"Alright." Kwazii replied brightly, and both of them left for the Launch Bay with their arms around each other's shoulders, eager for bragging rights and the chaos about to ensue.

Octo-OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora