Best Friends

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"Baba, again!" Eight-year-old Dashi shrieked excitedly as her father lifted her over his head once more.

"Alright, no more." Her father sighed as she came back down to earth, wiped his brow, and took her paw, leading her back onto the walkway.

It was one of those rare days that her father got off work and had time to play with her. Earlier that day, he had coaxed her out of their apartment when her mother wasn't feeling well and had promised to take Dashi to the park, so there they were, amongst the smiling rays of sun and the flowers with their petals open in welcome.

Dashi clung to her father's paw as she skipped along the path.

"Baba?" She finally asked, "Who's your best friend in the world."

"My best friend in the world?" Her father was completely caught off guard by the question, "Well, I- I don't think I have one." He finally managed to answer.

"What about Mama?" The little girl inquired innocently, her ears bouncing up and down with every step she took.

"Dash," Baba got down to her level, "Don't tell anyone, especially Mama or your uncles, but I'm afraid of her."

"Really?" Dashi cocked her head, "Why?"

"Because she's scary, that's why!" He exclaimed playfully, "Have you ever seen Mama when she was mad? Anyway, who's your best friend." Dashi thought for a second. None of her friends at school really counted as a 'best' friend. There were her cousins, but she only ever saw them on holidays, and she was an only child, which sucked for her cos she had no one to play with.

"I guess I don't have one." The little girl answered pertly and continued to skip happily down the walkway.

"Oh really?" Her father cocked his eyebrow, "Is that because you have so many friends you can't decide which one's your BEST friend?"

"I guess." Dashi shrugged but then got the idea of her life, "Hey, since we both don't have best friends, why don't we be each other's best friend!"

"Mm, nah." Baba shook his head and continued walking.

"Why not?" Dashi sounded so hurt and confused, it nearly broke her dad's heart, but he knew he'd have to tell her at some point or another, and what better time than the present?

"Because I predict you'll find a better best friend soon." He answered her cheekily.

"How soon?" Dashi questioned eagerly.

"In about 8 months or so." Her dad estimated.

"Eight months?" Dashi was perplexed, "And who is it? Where are they coming from?"

Her father laughed with a tinge of uncomfortableness, "You're gonna have to ask your mother that."

A/N- Ook. I was trying to hint at that as lightly as I could. Well, what do you think? Anything anyone doesn't like about it? Anything I can improve? Any new story ideas for me? All are welcome here! Oh, and one more thing (can I show you what I'm proudest of? The orphanage...) should I do a pt. 2 to this?

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