20 Things About The Vegimals

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1. They are far too adorable for their own good. One look at their sweet little faces will reduce even the toughest person into a pile of mush.

2. The cuties love their "Daddy Shellydo" with all their hearts. From the moment they hatched and laid eyes on him, the Vegimals imprinted on him and were attached at the hip to Shellington.

3. When the Vegimals hatched, Shellington sort of imprinted on them as well. He made an unconscious decision the second the cuties hatched to protect and cherish his new children until the end of his days.

4. The Vegimals love their Octo-Family with all their sweet little hearts. They'll randomly walk up to whoever they see and give them a big hug because they "wuv them".

5. Inkling was the one who actually taught them how to cook. One day when the Vegimals were babies, Inkling took them into the kitchen to make them some fish biscuits (a recipe he created), and he left for five minutes to get a book to read while the biscuits baked, and when he came back, the cuties had already popped the biscuits in the oven.

6. Teaching the Vegimals how to do garden was Shellington's doing. One day, he brought all his babies to the Garden Pod so they could run around and play while he did some work. The cuties ended up doing double the gardening he was able to do in a day.

7. The Vegimals are under the impression that "Daddy Shellydo" is the smartest person and can do anything ever. This definitely was a good mindset to have when trying to teach Shellington to cook and definitely didn't end in the kitchen being lit on fire.

8. The cuties love their family more than anything. In fact, the Vegimals can't even get scared if one of the Octonauts dresses up in a scary costume (as long as they know its them) such as when Squirt was talked into wearing a Phantom of the Opera costume and walked into the kitchen for dinner like "FEAR ME!" all the cuties ran up to him, played with his cape for a bit because it was "so fluffy" and told him they loved him and he looked handsome.

9. Watching the Vegimals try to reach something on a shelf is hilarious. All the cuties stand on each other's heads and they're trying to reach something while the tower lurches left to right, and once they're finished, the cuties proceed to fall and start rolling all over the ground.

10. Unlike regular babies, the Vegimals are practically indestructable. They fall off of high places and don't get so much as a scratch.

11. Inkling is their grandpa, hands down. Every single day, the cuties go to Inkling, begging him to read them a story book, and every day, the cuties end up sitting on his tentacles while he reads the story to them.

12. The Vegimals often find themselves going to find Peso because they want cuddles and stickers and Peso's only too happy to give them both

13. The Vegimals have little names for their beloved Octonauts from calling Shellington Shellydo' to calling the Captain "Cappy".

14. It is physically impossible to say no to the cuties, which doesn't bode well for some, such as that one time Kwazii ended up dressing up as a princess to play Tea Party because Tomminow wanted him to.

15. All the Vegimals have one member of the crew they've imprinted and think are the coolest person in the world and will follow them around everywhere they go.

16. The cuties have the ability to faint about 6 times a day and have zero repercussions at all. The first time the cuties did faint, the entire crew freaked out, but after it happened more and more often, no one batted an eye.

17. The Vegimals love singing, especially for their family. Every week, the cuties will put on some costumes that Dashi made, and put on a little concert for their families.

18. There's nothing the baby Vegimals love more than cuddles. Every single day, if the cuties are in the mood for a hug, they'll go up to one member of their Octo-Family, sit on their lap, and ask them for hugs. 

19. The Vegimals mainly speak their native tongue (which they were strangely born knowing), but they managed to pick up some from their new family, but they still need Shellington to translate most of the time.

20. They are the cutest, purest little baby sprouts in the whole world and everyone on the Octopod would protect them with their lives.

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