20 Things About Shellington

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1. Shellington's love for science is second only to his love for his children (Vegimals)

2. His mother had died when he was 12. It's his greatest fear that something will hurt a member of his family or someone he loves when he isn't around, so he had some attachment issues.

3. Shellington is incredibly socially awkward and will usually need one of the other Octonauts to do the talking for him, and he's even been known to hide behind Dashi when he was meeting a colleague of Inkling's he admired and was too afraid to talk to. 

4. He's OK with teaching the kids for some reason. Maybe it's because the kids are absolutely infatuated with whatever science he's telling them about, or maybe it's because all ears and eyes aren't on him because the kids just don't care sometimes.

5. He's terrified of heights, and I mean terrified. When he was in the Octo-Ray for the first time, he needed Peso to hold his paw the whole time to keep him from fainting.

6. Shellington has always been close to Pearl. She's been with him through his entire life, and has been attached to him from the moment he was born. She was always the one who sat him in her lap when they were little and read him stories, accompanied him when he sat in the middle of the ocean and named every single fish that swam by, and listened to his rants on some species he read about in a book or saw swimming in the ocean into adulthood. 

7. He's loved science since he was a tiny otter pup and had been fascinated with all species since he was old enough to swim. He'd sit in the ocean for hours and try to name every fish that swam by him.

8. Shellington is clumsy. There's no tiptoeing around it. He's been guilty of everything from tripping over thin air to walking into walls on the Octopod to dropping a beaker full of chemicals onto his foot because he's Shellington.

9. The Vegimals mean the world to him. He's known his little babies since they hatched from their eggs and he's loved them ever since. He's cared for them since day one, and it wasn't uncommon for him to change their diapers, bounce them in his lap, read them stories, and tell them all about the shark that he found today while the cuties play with his satchel and hair.

10. Shellington is tall, like almost the Captain's height, but this ends up being a bit of a problem when he trips and ends up falling a rather long distance to the ground, and he ends up having to either squat or bend over when trying to talk to the Vegimals because of the height difference between them. 

11. All the crew (plus Inkling) has attempted to give him driving lessons in the past. Tweak has banned him from taking out the Gups for good after the 500th time he crashed it after getting distracted by a pretty looking starfish.

12. Shellington truly admires Inkling with all his heart, and will spend hours at a time in the library listening to whatever the Professor has to say about a species he's studying or a book he's just read that he thinks Shellington would like too.

13. The lab is his safe space where he doesn't just do science. When the mood hits him, he'll put on some music and dance around the lab to it. 

14. Shellington's been fond of Squirt since the day they met, and Squirt thought of Shellington as the smartest man in the whole world. They then proceeded to spend hours at a time in the lab together doing experiments and stuff.

15. He was the only high schooler in the world who didn't mind lab reports. In fact, he actually sort of liked them because they helped him think about what happened in the experiment in different ways. All his friends thought he was crazy.

16. Shellington lives in fear of the day Kwazii decides to walk in the lab and goes, "Hmm, I wonder what will happen if I put this beaker under this Bunsen Burner?" The few times Kwazii was allowed in the lab resulted in the Octopod nearly being declared a biohazard and taking everyone hours to get all the goggles and lab coats unstuck from the ceiling.

17. Periwinkle was the wonder of Shellington's lab when he was first born, and Shellington held him for a good two hours just staring at how tiny his toes were, and when Peri was a little older, Shellington was ecstatic to have a lab buddy. 

18. Shellington seems to fall asleep in almost every place on the Octopod minus his own bed. Heck, he's even slept standing up. He ends up staying up so late working on his studies that he forgets to go to bed altogether and in the morning, ends up thinking, "Oh, shoot, shouldn't have stayed up that late. Looks like I'll just curl up in this corner and take a nap." The only reason he's ended up in his bed sometimes is the Captain carried him there.

19. Even though he's Scottish, he absolutely hates kilts (Thanks to a certain incident when he was dragged into a pub for a cousin's birthday) and bagpipes (no explanation needed). 

20. If you start him talking on something sciencey, you'll be lucky to get him to stop before the next Ice Age.

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