20 Things About Dashi

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1. Dashi is far too nice for her own good at times. She's usually the one who rescues Kwazii from Tweak whenever he's crashed the Gup B (again) and is the one who's willing to do someone's work if they were sick or they were too tired to.

2. She has loved photography since she was six and her aunt gave her a cute, little pink camera of her own. Nowadays, Dashi's willing to stand on the very edge of a cliff to get a photo of the view while Tweak holds onto her so she doesn't fall.

3. When she was a little puppy, all she ever wanted was a baby sister or brother to love and play with, and once Koshi was born, Dashi was over the moon and wanted to spend every free second she could taking care of her baby sister. Her enthusiasm never dimmed. When Jane was born, neither of her parents were super excited (they were happy, but a third child made them worry about their financial situation a little more) and Koshi was one, she couldn't care less, but Dashi was so so so excited and even Googled when the baby's gender could be figured out so she could bug her parents about it.

4. Dashi loves Tweak like a third sister, and would do anything for her from giving her cuddles and rubbing her stomach after a carrot-induced stomachache to distracting Kwazii with a little bell on a stick so Tweak could finish a new invention without Kwazii messing everything up.

5. She's been watching her little sisters since she was 15, and she usually had to drag them to wherever she needed to go, which resulted in a decent amount of embarrassment after Jane told her photography club about the time Dashi fell onto her butt while trying to backpedal to get a good photo.

6. Dashi is so pure, sweet, and genuine, and Tweak would protect her with her life. Such as whenever Kwazii tries to tell a dirty joke, Tweak will cover her bestie's ear to protect her sweet innocence.

7. Her sisters mean the world to her and she may be a little too overprotective of them for her own good.

8. She met Ryla when she was 11 and Ryla was 15 when her parents had Ryla and her family over for dinner. Ryla brought with her a book about cave diving that Dashi thought looked interesting, and the rest is history.

9. Dashi has had at least 50 celebrity crushes in her entire life, and it drives Tweak crazy to listen to her talk about some random actor Tweak doesn't even know nonstop (Gentlemen of the jury...)

10. Even though Dashi is completely cishet (look it up), her support for the LGBTQIA+ community is wild. When Jane came out to her, Dashi embarrassed her so badly by wearing the most sparkly rainbow outfit possible when Jane brought her girlfriend over for the first time.

11. Dashi is a theater kid. 100%. She never did theater in any point of her schooling life (and she deeply regrets it) but she'll take dancing around her room singing "Satisfied" too.

12. Her girly pop obsession "slightly" gets on everyone's nerves, but she loves it too much, so everyone has all but given up on attempting to get her to stop playing it.

13. Dashi won't say that taking care of younger siblings is a dream come true, per say, but in her eyes, it's all worth it when she gets to cuddle her little sisters whenever she likes.

14. Dashi is the holiday coordinator of the Octonauts and plans out all their holidays and vacations and is the reason that they were cleaning pink confetti out of the Octopod for years after Valentines Day one year.

15. Speaking of which, Dashi loves pink. If  she's given anything pink by anyone, she will love and cherish it for the rest of her life.

16. She sleeps with headphones on because she has nightmares and insomnia frequently. The music from her headphones helps her fall asleep and calms her down when she does have a nightmare.

17. Due to having two younger sisters who talk back to her from time to time, she's mastered the art of getting people to do what she wants them to do, such as when she tells Kwazii, "OK, don't take a bath; I don't care. It's not me the stink monster's gonna get."

18. Her father's parents came from a small town in Swabia, Germany, and her father and his brothers spoke Swabian and Standard German from a young age, so Dashi ended up learning both Swabian and Standard German as well.

19. Dashi's tail wags whenever she's happy. She insists it doesn't, and she tries to stop it, but she can't help it. Sometimes she has the tendency to bark or growl if she gets really frustrated. It embarrasses her, but no one else minds it.

20. She has and will dress up all the Octonauts in matching outfits for a photo. She does it to the Vegimals all the time (and they love it) but the crew rarely lets her do it.

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