Post-Christmas Movie Night

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Why on earth did you allow Kwazii to be in charge of Post-Christmas movie night again!? Captain Barnacles mentally reprimanded himself and sighed as he went up to the projector and shut the movie off. His crew sat huddled on beanbag chairs in fear as they stared at the screen like they expected a monster to jump out of it.

"Cap'n!" Kwazii exclaimed, "It was just gettin' to the good part!"

"Kwazii, there are Vegimals present!" Captain Barnacles pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Yeah, and besides, Krampus is a terrible Post-Christmas horror movie!" Tweak call to him as she held a terrified Dashi closer to her, "The one with the Demon Santa's much better!"

"Well, we're watching Krampus!" Kwazii shot back.

"No one's watching any horror movies!" the Captain called over both of them, "Peso," He addressed the little penguin who had attached himself to his shoulder, "Would you like to pick the movie, my sweet boy?"

"O-Oh, isn't it Kwazii's turn?" Peso asked innocently.

"Yes, but Kwazii decided to pick something less than appropriate." Here, the Captain gave Kwazii a very nasty look as the overgrown toddler dressed as a pirate pouted, "So I decided to let you pick instead."

"Can I pick 'Elf' then?" Peso asked meekly.

"Of course you can, chick." Captain Barnacles replied kindly and gave Peso a little kiss on the head, "But I thought those Rankin/Bass movies were your favorites."

"They are, but Elf is Kwazii's favorite, and since he didn't get to choose, I still wanted him to watch his favorite." Peso explained.

"Aww, little matey." Kwazii wrapped his arm around Peso's shoulder lovingly, "You didn't have to."

"I know, Kwazii." Peso beamed, "but I wanted to."


"Just please don't pick such a scary movie ever again, please."

"You have me word, matey."

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