20 Things About Jane (OC)

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1. An absolute menace to society who is by no means to be trusted with explosives or sharp objects.

2. Has the tendency to walk into a room and immediately forget why she's there, and only remembers once she's far enough from the room to be too lazy to go back.

3. Despite being the baby of her family, she's probably the least innocent out of all her sisters.

4. Jane doesn't like her name. She ended up getting her name when Koshi, who was one and a half at the time, could not pronounce her new baby sister's name, and it's part of the reason she's never really liked Koshi.

5. Like Koshi, she insists that Dashi is her favorite sister, and it may appear that way, but even she doesn't believe herself when she says she loves them both equally.

6. She's always wanted a brother and has begged her parents to either have another kid or adopt her older cousin. She got her wish when she met Pinto and was like "Must protect baby (even though he's annoying and stupid)".

7. Her name for Pinto, "Saukerl" has been so deeply ingrained in her mind that she instinctively calls him by "Saukerl" instead of his name.

8. Jane is not one tiny bit straight or cisgender, but was always afraid to confront that part of her. When she did eventually decide to come out, the biggest reaction she got was Tweak telling her "What a surprise." In a sarcastic tone.

9. Since she was tiny, she's loved cartoons and loves to draw, and as an adult, she decided to drop out of mechanical engineering and go to animation school because she could. She was never the type of person to have standard work hours, so she became a freelancer and worked on projects she timed and made herself.

10. Jane was born a disaster. There have been times where she had to go to an animation studio at 9 in the morning as an adult and she woke up 20 minutes before she was supposed to show up, so she showed up in pajama pants and no shoes on.

11. To her, Tweak is the coolest person she's ever met, and since she was 9, she admired Tweak with all her heart and would follow her around, trying to help endlessly. Surprisingly, Tweak never minded. In fact, Ms. Tough-Girl found it kind of adorable.

12. Jane is addicted to cartoons. It's all she's ever willing to watch. Her favorite of all time has to be the Simpsons just because of how much she loves the humor in it.

13. She is an anarchist. No explanation needed. She was never one for rules or societal norms, which is probably why she ended up getting into the punk subculture.

14. She's the kind of person to swear on the River Styx that she hates you, but can and will beat up anyone who dares mess with you.

15. Jane has a temper. She's a pretty nice person normally (a bit sarcastic and hyperactive, and disorganized, but still) but when she's mad enough... Pinto especially is terrified of her, but he still loves to press her buttons (with a 50 foot long pole so she doesn't rip him to shreds)

16. She has ADHD, and as a result, is a bit of an underachiever compared to her sisters as a result of being scatterbrained and just not being able to help the fact that she cannot pay attention and do one thing (that's not drawing) for long periods of time. Dashi has told her time and time again that she's just as smart and capable as both her and Koshi, but Jane has her suspicions that Dashi's only saying that because she's her sister.

17. Jane has never believed in breeding within your own species and breed. In fact, her spouse is feline, and neither of them give two craps about their spouse's species. Neither of them are really lovey-dovey PDA types of people. The sweetest thing either of them have said to each other is, "You're so f-cking adorable, it's a crime."

18. As a little puppy, she was in love with Star Wars and would wear her mother's bathrobe all around the house and tell everyone, "I'm a Jedi and I'm gonna protect you from Darbader (Darth Vader in toddler-speak)

19. Jane is the kind of person who doesn't sleep unless her body absolutely has to, and even then, it's only for 5 hours at most. Jane's practically a born insomniac who can and does stay up until 5 or 6 AM because she can.

20. Whenever she disappeared for long periods of time, Dashi would silently pray that Jane did not just murder someone and is late because she's dumping a body in the river.

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