20 Things About Kwazii

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1. Kwazii used to travel the ocean alone, looking for both a companion and whatever treasure he was seeking, but once he found his Octonauts crew, he promised them he'd never let them go.

2. From when he was a wee kitten, his grandad was the coolest person in the whole wide world to him. When his grandad would visit, little Kwazii would follow him around everywhere, and once Calico Jack realized he had a little admirer, he'd sit Kwazii on his lap and tell him stories of all the adventures he's had in faraway lands.

3. His relationship with his father was always strained, but he loved his mother and she adored him to pieces. As a little kitten, he'd crawl into her lap and go "mew!" And that was his way of telling her he was ready to be smothered in kisses.

4. There isn't anything he wouldn't do for his crew. If they asked him, he'd even dress up in a unicorn onesie and dance around the room for them because he loves them so much.

5. Kwazii's brain is either nonexistent or made of Swiss cheese because the Captain has had to deal with Kwazii wrapping his head in tinfoil and then asking why he can't see a good 5 times.

6. He's had to get his stomach pumped 14 times in his life, 3 times were by Peso, because he swallowed something he wasn't supposed to.

7. It's a common consensus on the Octopod that Kwazii cannot be without supervision for any amount of time. If he is, then the world would be blown up.

8. Kwazii is now permanently banned from Tweak's workshop after all her screwdrivers ended up being welded to her wall.

9. He "absolutely" hates Tweak, so much in fact that whenever he's upset, he'll go down to her room, lay his head in her lap, and pout for an hour while she scratches his ears and gives him belly rubs.

10. Kwazii would never admit it, but he's TERRIFIED of Tweak and will RUN if she shows the slightest signs of anger

11. Pirates are "so fearless" that when Kwazii saw a spider on TV, he hid behind the Captain and refused to move until the movie was over.

12. Kwazii is the biggest softie on planet Earth, but will deny the fact that he cried when the Vegimals drew a picture of him labeling him the "Bravest Pirate Ever."

13. Kwazii has a weakness for small, cute things, and has been caught gently caressing a baby sea turtle in his paws so he wouldn't hurt it.

14. He considers all the Octonauts younger than him his "baby siblings". This didn't end well when he picked Dashi up and insisted she was his "baby". In fact, Dashi started using what her sisters refer to as the "danger voice" (and embarrassing baby photos of Kwazii ended up all over the Octopod)

15. Kwazii insists that as a pirate he has to be "tough". This is the same cat who's cried when the kids got so much as a paper cut.

16. He loves and admires the Captain with all his heart. In his eyes, the Captain is the greatest adult in the whole world, and he'll try to copy every single thing the Captain does when he's in a situation where he's expected to act like an adult.

17. Kwazii keeps secret stashes of everything in  his room from seashells that he thought looked nice to earplugs for when the Captain starts playing the accordion.

18. Kwazii is one of those people who say something and everyone in the room knows it's a lie. Such as the time Kwazii insisted that all pirates are really really smart, everyone looked at him all weird and were like, "So this means you're not a pirate?"

19. He's always had a soft spot for children (probably because he's an overgrown child himself), which is why it's not uncommon to see him getting really into the kids' games and why they all love him so much.

20. Kwazii pretends to be humble, but he LOVES it when Pinto thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. He adores his "little pirate buddy", and will protect him and all costs and cherish him forever.

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