Best of Both Worlds

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"I've been thinking." Koshi murmured as she lay on her back on the floor of the library, staring up at the ceiling dotted with little pinpricks of light all surrounding a large chandelier, kind of like planets in the solar system.

"Hmm?" Squirt asked, peering over his brand-new astrophysics textbook, glasses askew with a look that reminded her of a confused puppy, "What?" The corners of her lips twitched upwards. He was absolutely adorable in his science-induced hazes.

"Carol Danvers is kinda cute." The corners of her mouth twitched upwards as heat crept into her cheeks. Talking about crushes, especially female crushes, around Squirt always felt a bit awkward, maybe because he used to have a crush on her a few months back. Then again, she'd never had too much of a thing for boys.

"I- Er. Yeah, I guess she is." He blabbered awkwardly as she rolled her eyes.

"We both know for a fact that you found Bucky Barnes hot the first time you saw him."

"No," The pinpricks of crimson in his cheeks gave him away, "I- I just said he was handsome. Nothing more, nothing less." She smirked. The filthy liar.

"You didn't say that about anyone else in the movie though." She innocently pointed out.

"Koshi," He peered at her deviously, "We both know you're in love with Tom Hiddleston. You have no room to speak." All breath left her body. How did he-. She just stuttered for a few seconds as he smiled serenely. 

"Eh, it's alright, it was a bit obvious."

"What do you mean, 'it was a bit obvious?!'" She practically screamed, completely mortified. 

"Both you and Dashi are too easy to read." He explained, on the cusp of giggles, "You both just sat in front of the TV, making goo-goo eyes at him and Chris Hemsworth during The Dark World!"

"We- we don't-" Koshi stuttered but realized she couldn't deny it, and resorted to hiding her face in her paws.

"Hey, at least you get the best of both worlds." He smirked as Koshi giggled, "Tom Hiddleston and Brie Larson are both cute."

"Yeah, they are." She couldn't argue with that as much as she wanted to deny her crushes. Then, it hit her like a ton of bricks, "And don't get me started on you and Tessa Thompson."

"What?!" His head snapped in her direction in pure alarm and shock. She only laughed. Oh, he was too easy.

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