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A/N- This is a request from @YakWak. I'm sorry, I made a few "tweaks" (hehe) to their original idea, but I tried to give the people what they wanted.

Teaching Inkling the art of texting wasn't a good idea by any definition. Sadly for the Octopod's resident marine biologist, someone forgot to tell him that.

"And what is this one?" The professor gestured to a little blue icon with an orange octopus inside of a speech bubble.

"That's the Messages app, Professor." Shellington told him, "May I please see your phone?" Inkling consented and let Shellington take the phone from him. He tapped on the little green icon and began to punch in  the phone number that Dashi had assigned Tweak. He took one look at the username hovering above the three blinking dots and stifled a laugh. It was too obvious Dashi had created this Octo-Messages System.

Tweaky_Weaky: Who is this?

UnidentifiedNumber: Shellington. From Inkling's phone.

Tweaky_Weaky: What do u want?

UnidentifiedNumber: Could you add Inkling into our group chat pleazz?

And from the opposite side of the Octopod, Tweak looked up to the ceiling in her very carroty bedroom and chuckled to herself. For someone who's been texting for a few years, Shellington sucked at abbreviations. The whole point of them was to type less than you would needed to after all.

Tweaky_Weaky: Yea sure

"UnidentifiedNumber" has been renamed "ProfessorBoring"

ProfessorBoring: Tweak!

Tweaky_Weaky: What?! You can't say i'm wrong!

ProfessorBoring: That's rude!

Tweaky_Weaky: Still mad at him for ruining my machines....

ProfessorBoring: The professor broke your machines?

Tweaky_Weaky: Nope, he told me all the "physics" behind my stuff

ProfessorBoring: ...Wait that's supposed to be boring!?

Tweak rolled her eyes. Typical Shellington. Speaking of whom, was currently trying to shield the rather impolite username from his mentor in a last ditch attempt to spare his feelings.

"Oh, no professor, nothing's wrong." He stammered, "Er, it's just some connection issues." No, no, no. I don't need any help, allow me."

ProfessorBoring: Inkling's already getting suspicious. Just change the name already!

Tweaky_Weaky: Ok fine i'll change it. Jeez.

"ProfessorBoring" has been renamed "ProfessorInkling"

Shellington glanced at his mentor's phone and breathed a sigh of relief. He was safe, for now.

Tweaky_Weaky: Soooooooooo, how's the lesson going.

ProfessorInkling: Oh very well. Let him demonstrate for you.

Tweaky_Weaky: ok

He handed the phone to Inkling.

ProfessorInkling: ride yrgjydfhhgcf

ProfessorInkling: Heofmllrsosoff

"Urgh, why on earth won't this blasted contraption type 'hello'?" Inkling grumbled as Shellington looked from the tablet to him in horror. Five hours of his life. It took him five hours to do that?!

Octo-OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz