20 Things About Koshi

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1. The girl lives for writing. There's never been a story she couldn't love.

2. As an aspiring author, Koshi finds herself gravitating towards theater because all the aspects of scripts and screenplays being brought to life has always awed her.

3. Koshi both loves and hates being the middle child. For one thing, being the middle child means simultaneously having a mentor and someone who (secretly) looks up to them. Cons: she's always the one who has to share a room.

4. She's the only one out of 4 Octo-Siblings around her age who likes going to Inkling's class (sometimes). All three of them consider her crazy for it.

5. The first time she heard about Donna Doxi was when she was 2 and Dashi brought home a Donna Doxi book and read it to her.

6. Having a good and an evil sibling means she always has an accomplice in whatever she wants to do from a 5 hour readathon to raiding Dashi's incompetently hidden candy stash.

7. She's missed a lot of crazy stuff on the Octopod because she was too busy reading to care.

8. At the age of 2, Koshi had the ability to speak in full sentences, or one sentence in particular "Can we take baby back to the hospital?"

9. She has the ability to see through any prank and any trick someone tries to play on her in her adult life thanks to her Octo-Family (or two members in particular)

10. Koshi has spent hours at a time with Professor Inkling reading and discussing books that they've read over tea, and Inkling has even helped her write her books a few times.

11. When Koshi was 16, she wanted to get her first 'Sisterly Mysteries' book published, but it took two years for her to find a publisher who would take it. Later on, she got even more 'Sisterly Mysteries' books published along with a book she wrote on the Octonauts.

12. To anyone who's inexperienced with siblings, it seems like Dashi is Koshi's favorite sister (and she insists that Dashi is), but secretly, even if she won't admit it to either herself or anyone else, she loves both her sisters equally.

13. She's shy as anything. Whenever Dashi has tried to introduce her to someone new, she's proceeded to cling to Dashi and not talk at all, and most of her friends she met through either her sisters or another person in her Octo-Family. She's an incredible singer, but she's so nervous about singing even for Peso because she's afraid of messing up.

14. Koshi never thought she'd make many friends on the Octopod, but 10 minutes after meeting Squirt, they became the best of friends. Now, they're each other's confidant and will go to each other whenever they learn a new book that they think the other will like is coming out.

15. When Koshi first got a boyfriend as an adult, all the other kids and Kwazii decided to ask her 10 billion questions about him, and once he came over, all of them kept a very close eye on him and made sure to give him an extra scary "If you break her heart..." speech.

16. She met her boyfriend during her second year of college when she interned for a police detective. He was one of the younger officers, and was smitten with the clever little woman who worked for the detective

17. As a young adult, she always preferred sitting at home alone drinking tea and reading some new mystery novel to going out to loud parties.

18. She and Jane can and have fight for fun. When Dashi would very grumpily ask them "Are you done yet?" After another stupid argument over who kept dumping their clothes in the drawer instead of folding them neatly, both of them would give her the most innocent look they can and tell her, "no."

19. Koshi has decided to forego sleep too many time to count in her life simply to write, which is probably the reason she has a caffeine addiction and lives off of coffee in the mornings.

20. Most people think that Koshi likes to take a walk in a natural setting and have a cup of herbal tea to deal with writer's block, but in reality, she screams into her pillows and procrastinates until the night before her deadline.

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