Story Night

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"Yarrr, t'was a dark and stormy night matey!" Kwazii growled enthusiastically, waving his arms enthusiastically and cackling. Peso gulped and put his flippers up to his face. He didn't like the dark, or storms very much. Even the very thought of them made his tummy feel a bit funny. Although it maybe could be that it was way past his bedtime, and he and Kwazii were hunkered down in their Library Blanket Fort after one kelp cake too many.

"Er- did I say dark and stormy, heh! I meant it was a bright, sunny day." Kwazii laughed sheepishly. Oops. He'd forgotten that storms scared Peso, and he'd promised the Captain he'd stop scaring Peso so much.

"And I ran across a grisly scene!" The shadows dancing across Kwazii's face made the story all the more creepy. Way too scary for Peso, "A ship be splintered in half, and amid the wreckage be a great big slimy-!"

"What on Earth is going on in here?!"A colossal, 8-armed shadow loomed over the fort, and both Octonauts screamed.

"What?!" The figure cried frantically and the head of an elderly, pink octopus poked itself into their fort.

"Inkling!" Kwazii and Peso shrieked in relief.

"What on Earth-?" Inkling muttered in confusion, "What are you two doing?"

"Nothing, sorry Professor." Peso answered courteously, "You only startled us."

"Oh, my apologies, then." Professor Inkling sank into a slight bow and backed out of their bedding structure.

"No Professor, it's alright." Kwazii hung his head guiltily, "I be tellin' Peso scary stories again."

"Aw, Kwazii." Peso gently wrapped his flippers around his friend's waist and looked up into his face with the sweetest expression he could muster, "I love you and your stories, but sometimes, they're a little too scary for me."

An idea lit up Professor Inkling's mind. Why hadn't he thought of this earlier?! "Say no more, Peso!" The elderly octopus smiled coyly, "Let me see if I can find it. And he turned and hopped to his bookshelf at neck breaking speed. It had to be here somewhere...

"Aha!" Inkling cried in triumph as both younger Octonauts craned their necks for a good look at the mysterious object in his tentacle. The Professor handed a book bound in charcoal-black leather and embossed with gold lettering, '1000 Monsters Stories for Young Buccaneers."

"I believe this is what you're looking for."

A/N- Thanks to DolphinGirl123456 for this idea!

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