Chapter 1, Part I

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Chapter 1: Rats in a Cage, Part I (Daily Life)


"We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." - Benjamin Franklin


The first thing we did once Monokuma unlocked the gymnasium's doors and let us leave was to gather together in the lunch room. It was fairly spacious, more than enough space for all of us. Although there were a few smaller tables, the main one was large enough for all of us to sit at comfortably. Immediately, Miyuki was positioning herself as some sort of unofficial leader? Good for her and us, I thought.

Miyuki: Alright. First things first, we might want to discuss a potential escape.

Momiji: As if that's going to work out.

Junpei: Checked the map already. There are five sectors; the middle one, which we are in, and four others that are locked. No entrance or exit is currently marked-

Ringo: Maybe it's hidden?

Junpei: More likely, it doesn't exist. C'est la vie.

Ayaka: ...Fuck!

Akihiro: So we are stuck here. Well, at least I don't have the outside world to deal with.

Noriko: And at least Daisuke-kun's here with me!

Daisuke: L-look, can you knock it off?

Noriko: Nuh-uh! Here, it's best to have someone who will always have your back, ehehe~

Yashiro: Seriously, he is disturbed.

Noriko: Don't tell me what to do here!

Yashiro: Your zealous devotion will damn you! I am sure of it!

Noriko: Then I will go to hell for him!

Shun: Drat. Well, Monokuma's sure as hell not gonna cook for us-

Shion: I'll do it.

Goh: Really? That's a stereotype-

Shion: Listen. This is my penance! I hurt people before, so I help them now.

Yae: Are you serious? You've basically just admitted to being a danger to our survival-

Shion: (crying) Look, I want to help and this is how you treat me?!

Goh: Alright then. I'll help provide for us all if you wish.

Shion: (sniff) Thank you. I can make some good cookies, I think.

Goh: Let's see if there's a cookbook 'round here...

Momiji: Enough beating around the bush! We might as well search this place! We all have e-Handbooks for maps, don't we?

Takeshi: Heh, of course we do, miss.

Miyuki: May I propose that we go in groups of four?

Goh: Why's that?

Noriko: You're coming with me, Daisuke-kun!

Daisuke: Ri-right...

Miyuki: I'll help Shion.

Goh: Right. Say, Daisuke, care for me to tag along?

Daisuke: (shrugging) Sure, I guess!

Yashiro: I'll protect this lost lamb with you, Miyuki.

Kenji: And I'll keep a close eye on her. Make sure she doesn't get into any trouble.

Momiji: Ringo, Yae, make sure Junpei doesn't do anything stupid.

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