Chapter 3, Part I

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Chapter 3: Two Sides of the Same Coin, Part I (Daily Life)


"The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness." - Joseph Conrad


I actually had a rather peaceful sleep last night. No more Noriko stabbing me to death. No more seeing my father's car crash in a fiery explosion. And even then, every morning, I woke up knowing that I was far away from home, in a dangerous place, where I had to put my life in the hands of mostly untrustworthy strangers.

All I could do as I got dressed for the day was listen to Monokuma's daily morning announcement.

Monokuma: Wakey-wakey! It's 7AM once again, and thus it's a good idea to get up and get out there, considering that all locked rooms are now unlocked! Oh, and as a congratulations for completing your second Class Trial, a new sector, with its new rooms, is now accessible! What will you all find there, I wonder? Upupupu~

Now that I was done, it was time to set out and meet up with everyone else. Oh, and get some breakfast while I was at it. I decided on the way there to have some cereal - but of course, things didn't quite go according to plan.

Noriko: Good morning, Daisuke-kun~

Daisuke: Ah!

Miyuki: Please stop aggravating him further.

Daisuke: Look, I wouldn't have had a problem with her if she didn't, you know-

Shun: Come on! We know she's a bad apple, we know what she did to you, we know we're trying to keep you two as far away from each other as we can! Knock it off!

Noriko: Haven't you thought about the fact that trying to get me away from my precious is a bad idea? You'll regret it soon enough.

Akihiro: This fragile peace will not last. I swear on it.

To be honest, I was now feeling a bit down. It had only been, what, a week or so? And already we had to solve not one, but two murders. But I had to keep moving forward. I had to prove him wrong. I had to get, at the very least, someone out here alive. Even it was her.

Daisuke: Look, can I just get some cereal in peace-

Momiji: Yes. Nobody's stopping you.

Daisuke: Good, good.

Breakfast happened quietly, yet awkwardly, as usual. The distrust was truly in the air, considering the recent tragedies. After we all finished, the librarian piped up with a question.

Akihiro: Anything new?

Sumire: Another sector's opened up, apparently.

Ah, so Monokuma wasn't lying about that...

Kenji: Let me check my e-Handbook.

Goh: What? Is it showing?

Kenji: Yes. It is showing. The south sector, to be more specific.

Miyuki: Which means that it would be a rather wise opportunity to go look. In groups, of course.

Kenji: True. I'm tired of being her babysitter. Momiji, Shun, make sure she doesn't get up to mischief.

Shun: Right. I think I can handle her!

Noriko: Really?

Shun: Yeah, duh.

Momiji: Seems about right.

Akihiro: Anybody willing to search with me?

Goh: I'll do, dude.

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