Monokuma Theater 4

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Monokuma Theater 4


Monokuma: Thrills! Chills! Kills! Haven't said that in a long time, to be honest, but it's still all that I live and care for. Well, aside from spreading despair, that is! Anyways, welcome, once more, to the Monokuma Theater - where you get the past and the future directly from my mouth! Or, in less obtuse terms, not only do you get a recap of what has recently transpired in my abode, but also my personal opinions on a topic of the day. Of course, after I've finished drinking your sweet and yummy tears of unfathomable sadness, we start off with the recap - buckle up for the wild ride, everyone! Upupupu~


Already, things didn't start well for Daisuke Hiyori, the Ultimate Hikikomori, as he quickly ended up having to, alongside Sumire Takemi, the Ultimate Forensic Scientist, come to the aid of Shun Iida, the Ultimate Marathon Runner, once his anger finally caused his body to sort of shut down. And then, he had to go support Shion Nanashi, the Ultimate Roboticist, as she was in the throes of yet another emotional meltdown! Gee, that's all she does and yet Daisuke still loves her anyway.

To try and lift the spirits of everyone else after I revealed the new motive of an armoury filled with all sorts of weapons that would only open at one specific hour of the day, Daisuke helped out in making pizza. Unfortunately, not only did an oven end up getting set alight, but Sumire didn't turn up to eat it anyway! Why? Well, the mystery was finally solved that evening by not only him, but Ringo Sugawara, the Ultimate Calligrapher, as they found Sumire in a flooded storage closet, presumably tortured to death! What fun!

In the Class Trial, it came to light that somebody had bribed me, yes, me, to assist them in making sure that torturing Sumire would be unnoticed until it was too late! Who was it? Surprise! It was Kenji Shima, the Ultimate Interrogator, seeking answers about a little girl I used to know. But when he didn't get 'em, he had to get somebody else to accidently kill Sumire and save his own hide.

Of course, that somebody he set up turned out to be Goh Hanma, the Ultimate Weightlifter, and after his tearful goodbye I wasted no time crushing him like a bug. I bet they're really happy with it, aren't they? And of course, I had to punish Kenji as well, 'cuz it's not cheating until you get caught! Still, there are lingering questions. Who was that strange man Daisuke saw? Who even is Shion, anyway? And who is the true mastermind? Not telling any of these! You've got to figure them all out by yourself, the hard way! Upupupu~


Monokuma: Now then, a word from my sponsor! My boss, I mean! Yes, it's so serious that the mastermind has to step in, although for privacy reasons I will censor their face and voice. Don't want the Future Foundation getting on our trail, especially considering how close to the end we are. This seems to be addressed to... Monaca Towa? Ah, I remember her. Take it away!


???: To Monaca Towa. You came from a broken home. A mother that cared so little about you that she left you behind as soon as you were born. A father that saw you as a tool to rake in profits, not as his daughter. A brother that was perfectly willing to abuse you in all kinds of ways because to him, you were an alien. And that doesn't excuse any of the sickening crimes you have done. Preparing to watch as your friends, lost to abuse, threw themselves off the roof to end it all. Recruiting yourself and them to gleefully participate in Junko Enoshima's own atrocities. Being perfectly willing to throw them under the bus for slights made against you. And eventually, running off into the safety of space to avoid the consequences of your deeds, without any remorse for what you've done. You thought you could escape justice, and sooner or later you will find out that you can't. It doesn't even matter if you've abandoned the cause; you must pay for your crimes. Wherever you are, Monaca, let me tell you that your sins, and the sins of those you influenced once you took up Junko's mantle, are unforgivable... I remember Kaede's birthday. She had a whole life ahead of her. You killed her. Team Danganronpa killed her. The twisted ideal of despair that you spread killed her. And no sob story is ever going to change that. If I get my hands on you, which I'm fairly certain I will in the near future, your numerous victims will be avenged by your death. You will be brought to justice for your unspeakable crimes, Monaca. I swear on my life, you will pay.


Monokuma: Oooh, nasty. In fact, I had a whole speech about guilt and redemption planned, but considering my boss, I might as well skip to the punchline. To me, there's no such thing. As soon as you sin, that's it. No more paradise for you. You're going to be condemned for everything you've done. And that's final! What an interesting point to run out the clock on, so, uh...


Monokuma: For now, this session draws to a close. You are all dismissed, but please make sure to continue looking forward to what I've got up my sleeve next!


Monokuma Theater 4, End

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