Chapter 2, Part III

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Chapter 2: Fear Itself, Part III (Daily Life)


Ayaka: What the hell is wrong with you, Yae?!

Yae: Shut up! I'm not weak! I'm not weak!

Akihiro: And do you seriously believe your barbaric violence will get you anywhere?

Ayaka: He's absolutely right! Fuck you, Yae!

Yae: I know what you are, Ayaka! Just as bad as I am. It's just that your ego won't allow you to-

Kenji: Shut up.

Yae: Eh?

Kenji: Time to read you the riot act.

Noriko: Ah... you're going to kill her, aren't you?

Kenji: No.

Noriko: And why's that? All bark, no bite?

Kenji: Pragmatism, Noriko. I know when and when not I have to take a life. Yae, come with me.

Yae: ...Fine, then!

Goh: I'll be your conscience, Kenji. And maybe we could explain to her exactly why what she did was wrong?

Ayaka: Too late. She's probably going to end up like Takeshi sooner or later.

Yashiro: Isaiah 5:20. "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."

Akihiro: Do as you will, Mr. Shima. I am not complaining.

Kenji nevertheless dragged Yae away, with Goh following him. I decided to leave the gym - clearly there wasn't much to do there anymore.

Noriko: Daisuke-kun! Don't leave-

Akihiro: He has every right to. Be quiet.


A hour or so later, I decided to check up on Ringo. See how she was doing after Yae went to town on her. To my surprise, once I reached the infirmary, although Sumire was there, tending to the other girl, Miyuki was absent. In her place was the holy man, Yashiro.

Sumire: Hey there.

Daisuke: Hey. Uh - where's Miyuki?

Yashiro: She's busy with other arrangements. I have decided to stay vigil for now.

Daisuke: Pr- Prog- Prolog- uh, what do you call it?

Sumire: Prognosis?

Daisuke: Yeah, that.

Sumire: Actually rather good! Face's still a bit of a mess, but she's able to walk and talk. Injuries aren't life-threatening. Probably because Yae tried assaulting her with her bare hands.

Yashiro: Had she used the rod, things could've been a lot worse.

Daisuke: True to that.

Sumire: Anything else you'd like to add?

Daisuke: Do you know where Miyuki actually is?

Sumire: Beats me.

Yashiro: I do know. She is at the bar - hopefully not indulging herself in filth.

Daisuke: Thanks. See you guys later.

Sumire: Pleasure!

Yashiro: Farewell for now.


(Free-Time Event #7: Miyuki Nagasu)

True to their words, she was at the bar, sat down, with a glass of water - with ice in it, of course. She seemed to look a bit down in the dumps, but instantly perked up once she saw me, and got up.

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