Monokuma Theater 2

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Monokuma Theater 2


Monokuma: 'Tis the season to be jolly- oh wait, we're live? Huh, I guess we do share the need to have ourselves a wonderful winter. Of course, you do so with putting up trees and having feasts, while I kick back and watch as teenagers kill each other. Ah! It's been a while since I last held one, didn't I? Let me recap the preceding events for your sake, 'cuz that's what you want, right? We're good? Good. Might as well start now! Upupupu~


After the events of the last trial, Daisuke Hiyori, the Ultimate Hikikomori, found himself having to try and play peacemaker between the numerous lost souls trapped in my most wonderful facility. For instance, he stumbled upon an argument between Shun Iida, the Ultimate Marathon Runner, and Akihiro Garaki, the Ultimate Librarian, and despite his efforts it seems as though bad blood remains between them.

The new motive wasn't helping matters - the students would have to relive their worst nightmares constantly until one finally killed another. This was too much for Yae Hayabusa, the Ultimate Hapkido Master, to handle, and she responded by beating Ringo Sugawara, the Ultimate Calligrapher, to an inch of her life! A pity she didn't go any further!

So naturally, once Yae herself was found dead shortly afterwards, many were quick to blame Ringo, thinking that she had taken her revenge. However, it turned out, through Daisuke's investigation, that she was actually nothing more than a witness to the events. Bummer. But it was through a pendant, borrowed from Shion Nanashi, the Ultimate Roboticist, that ultimately proved the key towards figuring out the true culprit!

It was, drumroll please, Ayaka Matsutomo, the Ultimate Badminton Player, some utterly forgettable brat who got into an ill-fated argument with Yae and ended up caving in her skull! Despite the last minute intervention of Yashiro Fujiwara, the Ultimate Televangelist to get her to repent, Ayaka ultimate went to her death scared and terrified. Well, at least she went out with a bang... literally!

Things are look precarious now. Yashiro seems to be agreeing with me more - will he eventually kill for his so-called Lord? Akihiro and Shun's friendship seems to be on the rocks - will they end as bitter enemies? And the group seems to be splintering more and more - will it eventually collapse on itself as the bodies begin to pile up? That's just what I think will happen, after all! Upupupu~


Monokuma: Now I've got some free time to myself, so let me talk about an animal. A filthy animal. One that doesn't contribute jack to the world. No, not an animal, a mere insect! Do you really want to know what I want to talk about? Right then, it's the snail! They're about as fast as a used, beaten-up old car that's on its last legs and about to give out - I bet it takes a couple of hours for them to move half a mile! And to make matters worse, believe me on this, but even as a delicacy I just couldn't help but feel disgusted. Cuisine to me is fish and honey and other stuff that you'd expect to be eaten. Snails, on the other hand? They just taste squishy and icky and make me want to vomit. Oh, and their shells aren't as hard as you thought they were as well. Rant's over now, it's time to sign off for the time being and close the curtain on the past.


Monokuma: I'll see you all again, sometime! Probably in the New Year!


Monokuma Theater 2, End

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