Monokuma Theater 5

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Monokuma Theater 5


Monokuma: Well, it seems we've come to the end of our time- wait, what? We're recording now? Oh well, gotta keep up appearances! Welcome to another episode of my Monokuma Theater, or as I would like to call it, my soapbox for me to discuss whatever random topic's on my mind right now! Also, considering that anybody needing them has the attention span of a goldfish, although I do prefer salmon, there will also be a quick recap of what had just gone off. Trust me, I saw everything. Now let's get started! Upupupu~


During their search in the grim up north, Daisuke Hiyori, the Ultimate Hikikomori and co. ended up stumbling across a strange man having bunkered in a van in my image that appeared to have somehow crashed into the facility. Kenji Shima, the Ultimate Interrogator, offered his services, despite the initial misgivings of Momiji Akamatsu, the Ultimate Cellist and eventually managed to figure out just enough to piece together the truth.

He did so by telling not only Daisuke, but also Shion Nanashi, the Ultimate Roboticist, about the crimes of the Towa Group, while meanwhile Noriko Aino, the Ultimate Stalker, was rejected once more due to her refusal to take responsibility for her actions. Predictably, things eventually ended in violence; egged on by the new motive of three wishes being granted to a successful killer, amidst a sudden blackout and reports of an explosion, Kenji was found. Dead.

Kenji wasn't even the only dead man, as the resulting investigation eventually stumbled across that aforementioned man having been savagely killed to pay for his crimes - by Kenji himself. In the Class Trial, it eventually came to light that said man was Haiji Towa, one of the two infamous Towa siblings; but what had become of the other one, you say? At last, Shion could run away from her past no longer, and her true identity was revealed: Monaca Towa.

But she wasn't Kenji's killer. 'Twas Noriko who did the deed - all in a desperate attempt to ensure that she could have Daisuke all to herself. Ultimately, it proved futile; she was shot through the heart, and she was to blame. Darlin', you give love a bad name! Of course, there's still the little problem of Monaca and Momiji - one claiming she has changed for the better, and the other accusing her of going back to her old ways. Will Daisuke's trust be his key to escape... or his one-way ticket to death? Upupupu~


Monokuma: Considering that we've got to make every second count, that brings me to the idea of finales. You know how most finales tend to pull out all the stops? It's because they know the show's over, and they want to go out on a high note. Like, c'mon, if you could choose how you would die, would you want to die punching an embodiment of evil in the face into an explosion to save the galaxy? Unfortunately, you'll probably die of old age in your bed. Or get run over by a car. Or collapse of a heart attack. Or whatever cruel and horrific fates befell my wards here! Oh, I was talking about finales? Right, that. Sorry for the tangent. Ahem, the problem with such grandiose finales is, how the hell will you ever be able to top it in the future? Food for thought. Life's too short, so I'll leave on that note, but one last thing...


Monokuma: I am Monokuma, and I thank you for being with me, and them, every step of the way. Godspeed.


Monokuma Theater 5, End

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