Chapter 6, Part III

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Chapter 6: Distrust, Part III (Class Trial)


For the last time, the elevator doors opened up, and the five of us solemnly walked inside. It was far more bare than usual - no soft carpet, no velvet curtains, no garish wallpaper. Just cold, grey steel all around us. Only Monokuma on his throne, the monitors hanging above us, and the podiums arranged in a circle were indicative of its purpose.

Of course, two more portraits, those of Kenji and Noriko, were positioned where they would've been when they were still alive. I felt a chill run down my spine as I took my position, seeing that there were more portraits of the dead than us, still living and breathing.

And yet, we all understood that everything was on the line.

Monokuma: Well then, welcome to the final Class Trial. Congratulations to all of you for getting this far!

Daisuke: Congratulations? You've gotta be kidding with me! Watching most of our schoolmates die shouldn't be celebrated!

Monokuma: Relax! At least you're alive. And besides, considering that we had a drug junkie, a mad scientist, a pious zealot, a lovesick murderer; I could go on and on...

Daisuke: And did any of them deserve to die? No!

Monokuma: That's what you think. Anyways, I have a small confession to make before I leave you all to it.

Monaca: What is that...?

Monokuma: You know what I said a long time ago, that all of this was being streamed? Well, about that...

The monitors flickered to life at that moment. The footage was almost identical to that stream we found - and we discovered, to our horror, that we were being broadcasted to an audience.

Monokuma: Take a look, Monaca. Look what they're saying about you!

I saw the comments appearing on the monitors. Some were in the chatbox, others were floating around the screens, but all were spewing bile and venom. I understood where they were coming from, but I still felt sick. If only they got to know the Monaca that she is, rather than the Monaca she was...


User #1: this is gonna be awesome! the bitch behind towa city is gonna pay for her crimes!

User #2: i know i've seen her before...

User #3: just make sure she's the mastermind because i really wanna see her die

User #1: Monaca if you're hearing this kys

User #2: ah yes towa city! my dad was trying to help and her monokuma units killed him!

User #4: Cant wait to see her die WWWW~

User #2: she's just getting what she deserves after all


User #2: YEA!


User #3: let's just chill and see


Monaca: I... I...

Monokuma: You reap what you sow. Now then, it falls upon all of you to catch the mastermind within your ranks! You win, or you die. All rise... for the final Class Trial.

Daisuke: (It all comes down to this...)


Shun: Alright, let's start with the big, fat one. Who the fuck is running this to begin with?!

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