Chapter 1, Part V

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Chapter 1: Rats in a Cage, Part V (Class Trial)


The elevator kept descending... and descending... and descending. Almost to the point that I felt as though I was gonna fall asleep. It also didn't help that it was jam-packed as well, but eventually, it did stop.

Noriko: Let's see where it leads us!

Momiji: Right...

Again, without any of us needing to press a button, the doors opened by themselves, allowing us to walk into the room awaiting us.

Momiji: (quietly) A courtroom... Why do I know this too well?

As we filed in, I took a look at everything, to get a good first impression of what to expect. The walls were blue, the columns gold, the velvet curtains and carpet a rich crimson. The floor was tiled white and black as if it was a chess board, and on the other end, contrasting the bland elevator doors, was an ornate pair of doors. Clearly, whoever made this was filthy rich.

There were no less than sixteen podiums arranged in a circle, all but one of them vacant for us to stand behind, perhaps? Between two of the vacant podiums was a throne, on which Monokuma was sat. And behind only one of the podiums was a greyscale portrait, with black ribbons adorning it, of Junpei. A funeral portrait.

Daisuke: ...

Goh: Somethin' troubling ya, bro?

Daisuke: N-nothing.

Akihiro: Right then, Mr. Hanma, now is the perfect time to get serious and professional. Otherwise, we'll get nowhere.

Goh: C'mon, dude, stop being such a killjoy-

Shun: Shut the fuck up! Junpei's dead!

Yae: Indeed. And I want to find the asshole who did it!

Takeshi: Tsk, tsk, tsk, already we're at each other's throats, heh!

Shion: (sigh) Already? Just as I thought. Truly, I can't do anything right...

Takeshi: Stop moping, you moll!

Goh: Hey, show some goddamn respect!

Takeshi: How about you show me some respect?! I'm big, you're little, I'm smart, you're dumb, I'm right, you're wrong!

Goh: (facepalm) Look, bro... stop.

Noriko: And the Class Trial hasn't even started yet!

Monokuma: Oooh, already you're all getting riled up. Perfect.

Miyuki: Why's that?

Monokuma: Because I just enjoy seeing you scream at each other. It brings me great despair. And I treat despair like bears treat honey - as a delicacy!

Momiji: Urgh! After what you did...

Monokuma: (waving dismissively) That was in the past, Kae- I mean, Momiji! Now then, an introduction to the Class Trial!

Daisuke: Eh?

Monokuma: You get some time, around, say, three hours? Yep, three hours to discuss, or more accurately, argue about who you think killed Junpei over there! And once time's up, you hold a little vote.

Ringo: On what?

Monokuma: Who the culprit is, obviously!

Ayaka: It's not rocket science, you moron!

Takeshi: Wh-what if we get it right?

Monokuma: Either all but one walks out of here alive, or none but one walks out of here alive. The first scenario is if the vote's correct! And if the vote's incorrect...

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