Monokuma Theater 1

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Monokuma Theater 1


Monokuma: Well, well, well, if that isn't a cliffhanger to leave you, well, hanging. You must be really questioning whether I'm some sort of vengeful spirit or somethin', but we get there when we get there, goldfish-brains! Oh, goldfish? 'Cuz you have the memory spans of goldfish? I've got the perfect trick! Let me, the everlasting Monokuma, therefore debut the Monokuma Theater - where you get a summary of what just happened, and I get the chance to ramble about whatever the hell I please! Got that? Yes? Then let us begin! Upupupu~


We met Daisuke Hiyori, the Ultimate Hikikomori, as he fell for my trap and ended up where we are now, stuck in the middle of nowhere with 15 other students to play yet another Killing Game, yet again hosted by, you guessed it, me! Everyone was informed that there was only one way to make it out alive - kill one of their peers, and escape detection!

Immediately, Daisuke attempted to try and bond with the mysterious Shion Nanashi, the Ultimate Roboticist, whereas the nihilistic ramblings of Junpei Ichikawa, the Ultimate Designer got under everybody's skins. Meanwhile, Momiji Akamatsu, the Ultimate Cellist, attempted to keep cool and calm even despite the rather familiar situation she has found herself in - I've gotta admit, she never really got over me murdering her twin, didn't she?

And the motive I gave them as a further incentive to kill was not helping matters at all; accusing at least a single person of drug abuse, in a culture where that sort of thing could end your career effective immediately! Predictably, someone turned up dead - and to no one's surprise, it was Junpei. With the aid of Kenji Shima, the Ultimate Interrogator, Daisuke set to work trying to find his killer - and his father's killer, while he was at it.

Eventually, in the Class Trial, the latter was found to be Noriko Aino, the Ultimate Stalker, who killed Daisuke's dad as some sort of twisted call for attention! You know, 'cause that's what yanderes do - kill anyone standing between them and their beloved. To be honest, we all kinda called it from when she wouldn't leave him alone. But the thing is, she wasn't the former.

As for who he was? It was Takeshi Tashiro, the Ultimate Game Show Host, who killed after coming to the conclusion that Junpei was the mastermind! So, I gave him tons of drugs which caused him to blow up like a balloon, and then just, blow up. Kinda like that psychic guy from that film Daisuke was talking about - I mean, the actual guy, not some lazy blue and yellow recolour.

But what's next, you may ask? How will Daisuke fare in future mysteries, now that Kenji has written him off as a lost cause? What will the group do to keep Noriko at bay, knowing that she is a danger to their lives? And who will discover the truth behind the tortured mind of Shion, with her insistence that she has killed before? Stay tuned... for the worst is yet to come! Upupupu~


Monokuma: On a more serious note, let's talk about setting a good first impression, for all the other wannabe masterminds out there. Although my most infamous controller has long since passed away, rest in despair, there remains quite a few who want to follow in our footsteps! I've got some pieces of advice to dole out to all of you to make sure that your Killing Game will live on in infamy! The first, of course, is to be passionate! Don't lose your zeal at any point and make it clear that you are not solely in it for profit, but rather because you want to keep the spirit of whatever twisted ideology you're holding the Killing Game for alive. Second, carry it out through to the bitter end. Even if your hapless victims turn the tables and you end up having to execute yourself, at least die content that you have burned your name into the history books. You made your bed, now lie in it. Last, but not least, get some creative participants. It's fun to engage in a cliche or two, but eventually, they get old. But if they put their own spin on it, surely, we'll all appreciate a good twisting and turning of the basic formula! Yes, yes, it's true that I've said everything I needed to say for now, so I'll leave it here.


Monokuma: Bearwell for now, everyone! I hope, or rather despair to see you all again someday!


Monokuma Theater 1, End

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