Chapter 2, Part V

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Chapter 2: Fear Itself, Part V (Class Trial)


Eventually, the elevator came to a stop. As the doors opened, I felt a shiver. Of fear, perhaps? After all, teenagers contemplating their own mortality was scary enough.

Kenji: Let's go.

Ayaka: Really?

Kenji: I repeat, let's go.

Momiji: You know exactly what he said. Let's get this over with.

The two of them stormed out, and the rest followed them. The courtroom looked a bit different than it used to, strangely enough. The walls were a crisp yellow now, and the columns, curtains and carpet were now a striking brown. The floor tiles were too different - being arranged in gold hexagons as if it was a honeycomb.

The podiums were still there, and so was Monokuma's throne. But where Takeshi and Yae stood the last time we were here, there were now two more simple monochrome portraits, both crossed-out and adorned with funeral ribbons. We took our positions and already I could see differing reactions. Some looked down towards the ground, as if in despair. Others gazed straight ahead with determination. Oh, and Noriko? She was just staring at me.

Shion: (heavy breathing) I can't...

Yashiro: It's okay, child. Remember this.

Shion: What?

Yashiro: John 8:11. "She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more."

Sumire: C'mon, Shion. It's not the end of the world-

Akihiro: Ms. Takemi, you do know that if we prove ourselves to be imbeciles, all but one of us will die? This is no time for laughter. Ms. Nanashi, I doubt that is her name...

Momiji: ...

Akihiro: She is acting realistically, but not appropriately. You are the true man, Mr. Shima.

Kenji: Thanks.

Akihiro: Taking this seriously and showing no emotion. Now then, we shall get to business.

Monokuma: And so we shall! I bet you all know what to do.

Noriko: Indeed...

Monokuma: (pointing towards Takeshi's portrait) After all, you've already been through this once before!

Shun: Shut the fuck up, we're not goldfish-

Monokuma: Somebody gave Yae some brain surgery. It's up to you to figure out just who caved in her skull like a can!

Goh: Are you seriously making jokes about this? Yae may have been a scoundrel, but-

Monokuma: Yup! And I can do so whenever I want, 'cuz I'm the big bear 'round here!

Goh: Dude, uncool.

Monokuma: (rubbing his hands) And sooner or latter I shall have my blood. And your idiocy, or lack of it, will prove to be either your saviour... or your downfall! Upupupu~

Daisuke: (sigh) Look. We know already what to do.

Monokuma: Oh, do you? Ahahaha! Well, considering that you're all vaguely familiar with the idea of a Class Trial, I'll leave you all to it! Just remember, time's ticking, my friends! Three hours can fly by quickly, y'know!

Noriko smiled. Goh gritted his teeth. Shion hung her head low. Akihiro took a deep breath.

Monokuma: Without any further to do, or to say, the Class Trial starts now! Upupupu~

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