Chapter 4, Part V

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Chapter 4: By the Book, Part V (Class Trial)


I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact of the elevator hitting the ground level. I heard the familiar chime as it stopped, the doors opening and beckoning us, once again, to the courtroom.

And once more, it had been drastically overhauled in appearance. Sure, all the usual furnishings were there: the carpet, the curtains, et cetera, but they stuck out like a sore thumb, when they were as purple as plums and coupled with a green floor and walls.

Not one, not even two, but three new portraits had been put up at the podiums where they used to stand at - Akihiro, Yashiro, and now Sumire. We looked around for a bit after finding our own before coming to the horrific realisation.

Shun: ...How long have we been here, anyway?

Shion: I don't know... Maybe around two weeks?

Shun: Two weeks, give or take. Half of us are dead. We're dropping like fuckin' flies.

Goh: Can't you believe it? Half of us are gone, just like that...

Monokuma: And sooner or later, it'll be less than half of you!

Kenji: Of course. We know your game by now, Monokuma.

I looked once more towards Monokuma, lounging on his throne as if nothing had happened.

Monokuma: Sumire enjoyed gallows humour when she was alive - and at least one of you's getting sent there!

Daisuke: We know. We know...

Monokuma: Oh, it's finally getting to you? You know, go with the motions; debate this, debate that, vote on who you think killed her once time runs out, blah blah blah! That's a Class Trial in a nutshell.

Momiji: I believe we understand it all now. Don't you?

Daisuke: I suppose so.

Momiji: Exactly, Monokuma. Your long-winded spiels are unnecessary.

Monokuma: Well, I'll agree to that. Just remember that I was the one who ended your dear sister's life - for a crime she didn't even commit! Upupupu~

Ringo: What is he talking about?

Momiji: Kaede, my sister. It was some while ago...

Goh: Enough's enough, now! We've gotta figure out who killed Sumire!

Monokuma: Indeed! And I leave you all to it. Court is now in session, and I wish that this Class Trial bears ripe fruit! Upupupu~


Momiji: At the very least, we have a clear understanding of where to begin now.

Kenji: Tell us.

Momiji: Cause of death.

Kenji: ...Like last time. What a coincidence.

Goh: Well, it's a good place to start, if any. She's got the right idea-

Daisuke: Right then, let's get cracking! It's what she would've wanted.

Monokuma: But remember! You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. Common saying.

Daisuke: But still, let's do this!

Noriko: It looked like she was tortured, don't you remember, Daisuke-kun?

Daisuke: I know.


(Select Truth Bullet)

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