Chapter 1, Part VII

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Chapter 1: Rats in a Cage, Part VII (Class Trial)


After we had cast our votes, a screen turned on behind Monokuma, prompting us to look towards it. It appeared to show an animation of a roulette wheel, its pointer spinning around pixelated likenesses of ourselves, eventually stopping upon Takeshi's mug. And with an rather inappropriately cheery jingle and confetti falling from the ceiling, we knew that the vote was correct.

Takeshi Tashiro, the Ultimate Game Show Host, was the murderer of Junpei Ichikawa, the Ultimate Designer.

Monokuma would give him a few more minutes to explain why he did what he did, then he would be executed. Simple as that...


Takeshi: No way - I thought I had it all figured out! Heh, I really did...

Kenji: Just answer us this, before you die. Why did you kill Junpei?

Ringo: Please, it's not too difficult.

Takeshi: Hmph. If you want to know, fine then!

Daisuke: Right...

Takeshi: To simply put it, he knew too much to be just another victim-

Daisuke: Huh? What do you mean by that?

Shun: What the fuck?!

Yae: You've gotta be kidding me-

Miyuki: Settle down! Let him talk!

Yae: Fine.

Akihiro: Alright, it seems everyone's silent, as they should be. (cough) Explain further, Mr. Tashiro.

Takeshi: Look, I dunno why I did it-

Miyuki: The drugs, I assume?

Takeshi: It had nothing to do with the drugs!

Shun: Fucking liar! I can see it in your face!

Yashiro: You are fooling nobody, sinner!

Takeshi: Can you all just shut up and let me explain?!

Goh: Ri-right? Okay then?

Sumire: Just give him what he wants. At the very least, it'll buy him some time.

Takeshi: I felt as though somebody was going to kill me, so I took a knife, hid where they wouldn't find me, and who came in? Junpei!

Goh: And I assume you thought he was gonna kill ya?

Takeshi: (nodding) We got into a little argument, and he said something along the lines of "Oh, so you don't want people finding out about your drug addiction, huh?" But here's the thing. I didn't tell anybody here about my addiction, because I wouldn't! Not in a million years!

Daisuke: (Wait... how did Junpei figure out that Takeshi was on drugs?)

Takeshi: And that was when it clicked - how could've he known unless he was the bastard who put us all here?

Shion: You mean... the mastermind?

Takeshi: Exactly, moll!

Goh: C'mon, dude. Did you really have to say that towards her?

Takeshi: I'm going to die because of you all! There'll be no respect from me now! Anyways, going back to Junpei, that was when I knew that he had to die. So I killed him, plain and simple! Are you all satisfied?

Noriko: We are.

Yashiro: You've just condemned yourself to Hell-

Takeshi: Hell? Listen, the industry chewed me up and spat me out. Once I started the drugs, I couldn't stop! Even got high on my own supply! And I knew that if it came out, it was all over; I had to do anything to ensure that it wouldn't get out!

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