Chapter 5, Part I

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Chapter 5: On the Origin of Monsters, Part I (Daily Life)


"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?" - Mark Twain


I was looking at myself in the bathroom mirror and I found it hard to smile. In fact, I looked completely wasted. Considering what happened last night, I wasn't surprised.

But I had to smile. Because, even though Sumire and Goh were gone, I was sure that there would be people like them in this world, when I got out. When, not if, I had to convince myself.

And besides, I didn't want to give Junpei, wherever he was, the satisfaction of proving his misanthropy right.

All was done now, and I made my way towards the lunch hall, where I had gone last night. That strange man was no longer there, and more familiar faces awaited me. Ringo was cutting apples (red, of course) to make the slices look like rabbits, Shun was intensely squeezing his stress ball, and Noriko kept staring at me, not even acknowledging anyone else. Monokuma was there as well, observing all of us.

Monokuma: Huh. Never thought that they would, y'know, save your life.

That was when I noticed him. Kenji, sat down, covered in bandages and an eyepatch over his right eye. Obviously, I had not witnessed what went off after the last Class Trial.

Daisuke: Woah, woah, woah! What happened?!

Kenji: Are you concerned?

Daisuke: No, no, I'm just asking questions.

Kenji: Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Shion: Monokuma... he attacked Kenji for cheating... (sniff) and we decided that we couldn't just leave him to die.

Monokuma: Yes - that is exactly what happened! A shame you missed out on the fun, lazy bones! Upupupu~

Even after it, even after they saved his life, nobody could bring themselves to sit near him. He was alone.

Momiji: Everyone done?

Shion: Uh, yes. Yes, I guess.

Monokuma: Well, there's a new sector open.

Shun: Wow, this must be happening like bloody clockwork-

Monokuma: And it's the last one! Considering how so few of you remain, obviously. Upupupu~

I had to check my e-Handbook, and true to his word, a new area had been added to the north.

Daisuke: Shun, how many doors did you find the first time you looked?

Shun: Beats me... Four? Yeah, must've been four.

Monokuma: Aren't you gonna check it out or what?

Momiji: We're going to, just give us some time!

Monokuma: Oh... okay then. I'll take my leave.

With that, he awkwardly slid backwards, out of the hall, leaving us alone to plan our next move. Momiji got out of her seat with a heavy sigh.

Momiji: Considering how thin our numbers are now, and how dangerous certain people are...

Shun: I know what you're gonna say next.

Momiji: No. Splitting. Off. We all stay close together. Does everyone understand?

Noriko: Well, as long as I get to be with Daisuke-kun.

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