Chapter 3, Part III

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Chapter 3: Two Sides of the Same Coin, Part III (Daily Life)


Wandering around the hallways, it didn't take long for me to find Shun - I guess he didn't get as far as he wanted to go, considering that we were still in the hub. He actually looked rather happy, to be honest. So did Akihiro, who was with him.

Akihiro: I apologise for the wait. Had to deal with a meddling priest who would not leave me alone.

Shun: Is he dead?

Akihiro: No. If he was, you would have heard the body discovery announcement by then.

Daisuke: ...

He pointed towards the end of the hallway, as if to prove his point. And yes, I could see who appeared to be Yashiro storming away in a huff - his trenchcoat gave him away, truth be told.

Akihiro: Right, so, I actually have some good news, Mr. Hiyori.

Daisuke: What is it?

Shun: Well, before I got to the hot springs, I kinda, y'know, ran into him. And we actually had so much of a chat that I completely forgot what I was gonna do!

Akihiro: What were you planning to do?

Shun: Well, uh... I forgot! Told ya!

Daisuke: (Good. 'Cause I clearly remember what Shun was planning, and it wasn't pretty...)

Akihiro: (chuckling) I cannot believe how much of an oaf you are.

Shun: Really?

Akihiro: Some idiocy, I can tolerate. At the very least, I have distracted you from your lust, and you have been actually cordial for the last couple of hours.

Shun: True. Maybe, just... I wanna be a friend. To you. You look like you had no friends before coming here.

Akihiro: That is indeed the case. I think I will need you for what I need to do.

Shun: Really?

Akihiro: Of course.

Shun: So - does that mean we're friends again?

The nerd offered his hand, and the jock eagerly accepted it.

Akihiro: It is, Mr. Iida.

Daisuke: Well, that's good to hear!

Akihiro: Oh. You are here as well. What do you think of this reconciliation?

That was when someone - or something as the case may be - rudely barged in on us.

Monokuma: It sucks!

Daisuke: Huh? Why?

Monokuma: Geez, people getting along is so boring! Where's my thrills? My chills? My kills?

Akihiro: ...

Shun: Shut the fuck up, Monokuma! Who invited you?

Monokuma: Me, of course!

Akihiro: Sir, we have a right to privacy. Can you please move out of the way?

Monokuma: Well, I could. And because you were polite about it, unlike him, I'll do it for free! See ya later!

He vanished after that, and I took a deep breath out of relief.

Shun: Well, what he said. What do ya think?

Daisuke: It's good. But I've got to go now - got other things to do.

I began walking away.

Shun: Wish you luck, you happy bastard!

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