Chapter 2, Part VI

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Chapter 2: Fear Itself, Part VI (Class Trial)


Kenji: Alright then, Mr. Hiyori. What made you change your opinion on such short notice?

Daisuke: I didn't change it - I had a hunch that Ringo wasn't the killer, because...

Monokuma: You're not gonna get anywhere if you just stand there and say nothing!

Daisuke: (If Ringo's truly the culprit, then why was the apple... the colour of it...)


(Multiple Choice)

1. It's red.

2. It's green.

3. It's yellow.

Answer: It's green.


Daisuke: It's about the apple that was left half-eaten on the floor. It's, uh, it's a green one.

Shun: And so fucking what? What does a goddamn colour have to do with proving that she's innocent?!

Daisuke: Because, about Ringo...

Momiji: (sigh) End this stupid charade already.

Daisuke: She apparently doesn't eat green apples.

Ringo: N-no, I don't! I don't eat green ones! Red ones are just... juicier, and more tasty, and-

Kenji: Enough talk. Who told you this?

Daisuke: Momiji did. Can you confirm that?

Momiji: Yes, I did tell Daisuke that fact about her.

Kenji: ...

Momiji: Has any of you seen Ringo eat a green apple?

Shun: Hell no.

Miyuki: Actually, I haven't.

Goh: Nope. Not at all.

Momiji: Point's proven.

Daisuke: So if she eats red apples, why would she leave a green one there?

Goh: I honestly dunno, dude.

Momiji: As to why they left it there...

Daisuke: I know. Whoever did this was trying to frame her.

Noriko: But who, Daisuke-kun?

Yashiro: Remember - Ringo isn't out of the woods just yet. So I would very much proceed with caution.

Shion: Daisuke... what's wrong?

Daisuke: (I've just realised... Kenji... was the last person we saw Yae alive with...)

Monokuma: Why are you staring like a deer in the headlights, Daisuke?


(Select Truth Bullet)

TRUTH BULLET: Kenji's Alibi


Daisuke: Kenji, explain yourself.

Kenji: What? Me? Why?

Daisuke: You was the last person I saw Yae alive with. Who's to say that you're not the culprit?

Kenji: Please. Didn't I tell you already?

Daisuke: Yes. You claimed that. But it doesn't sound that convincing to me...

Kenji: Go find someone and maybe then you'll have to accept that you're wrong.

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