Chapter 4, Part VI

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Chapter 4: By the Book, Part VI (Class Trial)


Daisuke: What do you mean by that?

Kenji: Isn't it obvious? I tortured her, but I didn't kill her.

Daisuke: ...

Kenji: You might want to think about the cause of death.

Noriko: Go on, Daisuke-kun! Tell us all how Sumire died!

Shun: It must be in the Monokuma File, right?

Daisuke: We can't use the Monokuma File, Shun.

Shun: Wait, what? Why? It's helped us out all the other times!

Daisuke: Because it's lacking...


(Multiple Choice)

1. The time of death.

2. The place of death.

3. The cause of death.

Answer: The cause of death.


Daisuke: The cause of death. It cannot be determined, according to the Monokuma File.

Shun: 'Cause that bastard tortured her to the extent that even Monokuma couldn't figure out what killed her, didn't he?

Daisuke: Not quite. You see, Noriko knows...

Goh: And is that because she's the killer?

Noriko: No, you meathead. Sumire was our coroner, and now that she's gone, I'm the only one with actual expertise and willing to help, ehehehe~

Momiji: You're a murderer, Noriko!

Noriko: Not of Sumire, though. Go on, my beloved! You remember what I said after I inspected her body?


(Select Truth Bullet)

TRUTH BULLET: Noriko's Observations


Daisuke: (sigh) I do. Noriko figured out by the water clogged in her mouth and nostrils that Sumire was still alive when the room was flooded.

Ringo: Does that mean she died by drowning?

Daisuke: Most likely.

Monokuma: Ooooh, talk about a watery grave!

Shun: Not funny.

Monokuma: Well, I guess you don't like my sense of humour, don't you?

Shun: No. It was never funny.

Goh: Alright, we know everything now! The cause of death, when she died - and of course, who killed her!

Kenji: Goh, don't even think about it.

Shion: Yo-you...

Noriko: There's still quite a few mysteries left to be uncovered...

Daisuke: So we might as well use the time we have left-

Shun: Shut the fuck up! We vote now!

Momiji: Shun, you're not doing us a favour.

Shun: Just get that son of a bitch executed and get it over with.

Daisuke: Shun! We need all the time we have!

Monokuma: Alright, I know exactly what's going to happen... so I might as well begin it right now!

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